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Basing Your Beliefs On Anecdotal Evidence Is Foolish - People Cave To Their Desires

People believe what they want to believe.  Even when it comes to Global Warming they point to anecdotal evidence.  "We never had winters like this when I was a kid."  Our lives are a blip in the history of climate, and when factored to the greater number of years, meaningless.  Reverting to the anecdotal in such an argument points to the personal desire to believe in a point, regardless of factual evidence. A lot of the time, people will believe things without good reason.  The fairness of their point of view is indicated by how they respond to even-handed, fair criticism of their position.  The evidence of an opposing view also tests their propensity to the truth.  When a person's view is refuted and weakened by evidence, do they still stand behind their point of view?  Will they adjust their point of view based on the evidence that comes in? People seize upon the most miniscule evidence to justify something they want justified, not because t...

America - Wake Up To What Is Sold To You As Normal

The “normalcy bias” is what psychiatrists call it when people always expect things to naturally return to a stable, “normal” state.     For example, the masses expect that everything will carry on and that America is too big to fail.   Not only is it not too big, it has failed. There will be a heavy price for her failure because of the failure of the majority to defend itself against what the government is doing to destroy your nation. Obama was embroiled in more scandals than all other presidencies combined, yet it seems accepted.   Bill Clinton got impeached for lying and having a consensual affair with his intern, but with several American’s killed, President Obama skated.   Is this the new normal? Reality shows now dominate the air waves, proving that vanity, self-indulgence, and immorality are now cherished.   Big brother, The Kardashians, and The Bachelor are nothing but the exploitation of shallow people selling immorality through sexual underton...

Yes, American Exceptionalism Is Real!

The U.S. must stand behind the reality of American Exceptionalism, promoting its great charter upon the world American Exceptionalism has always been the model for all countries to emulate, yet President Obama apologized and bowed to ruthless dictators.  As a president who brags of “leading from behind” does not “lead” a country that has always led the world.  Leadership means taking the front and leading the way, not following the pack like a helpless puppy. President Trump, on the other hand, loves this country and doesn't cave to anyone.  He is out front leading and putting our country first.  As a result our country was thriving until China unleashed the pandemic.  The American Constitution is the “gold standard” of freedom and must be restored for the sake of people everywhere.   We became the “melting pot” of the world because of the spirit we embodied.   Anyone could be an American, regardless of race, culture, class, or creed.   The ...

Liberties Must Be Fought And Voted For

All citizens have an obligation to defend freedom at any cost.  In the absence of defense, freedoms will pass... Thomas Jefferson wrote in The Declaration of Independence after compiling the sentiments common among colonists: We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creators with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Cau...

Climate Change - The Science Has Opposing Opinions

Science has differing opinions like everyone else.  Be alarmed when someone says "follow the science" but doesn't account for the opposing position. Carbon dioxide has zero effect on global warming AOC has a silly climate plan _ Greenpeace Co-Founder Climate Change Fears of Teen Activity are Baseless Climate Gate Scandal in Review Ex-NASA Employees Speak Out on Global Warming Global Warming Alarmism When Science is Fiction Global Warming Petition Project Peer Reviewed Papers Skeptical of Climate Change Top 10 Myths on Carbon Dioxide & Global Warming The Truth about Global Warming from an Expert The Broad Spectrum of Views on Global Warming... The Truth About Global Warming Global Warming Petition Project   - Thousands of Scientists Dismiss Global Warming Claims

Selfish Political Interests Have Replaced National Virtue

Samuel Adams said that “public officials should NOT be chosen if they are lacking in experience, training, proven virtue, and demonstrated wisdom.” Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.  As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.  Benjamin Franklin.  George Washington said the American Constitution could survive only “so long there shall remain any virtue in the body of the people.”   The killing of nearly 60 million unborn babies since Roe v. Wade is solid evidence of the lost virtue of this once great country.  Only when this abhorrent practice is outlawed, will we have a chance to return to greatness. Selfish Interests Have Replaced National Virtue Our great country has now evolved from one of virtue to one of selfish interests.  Presidential races are won and lost by the vast sums of money the person possesses.  When is the last time a common person of great virtue won the presidency?  Reagan, Lin...

U.S. Entitlements – How do you pay for them?

The Biden plan is to tax the richest 1% much higher and abolish the tax cuts President Trump enacted - for those that missed it, the removal of tax cuts is a tax increase on everyone else.   When Joe says, "let me be clear taxes are only going up on the individuals making more than $400,000 a year" that's a blatant lie.  Add the Green New Deal and the proposed $2 trillion dollars to fund it.  This is a hidden tax in the form of subsidies and mandates that every taxpayer will have to pay.     Furthermore, the increased energy costs will further erode the incomes of American's. The majority of American’s want their politicians to eliminate deficit spending and reduce the national debt.   However, when it is time to vote, the population cast their votes to remain the same course.   As the record shows, that means increased deficit spending and enormous additions to the national debt while entitlement programs skyrocket in cost. As we approach...

Discontinue The Donations By Government Bodies To Groups, Charities, And Individual Gift

Governments should not be donating taxpayer monies to civic organizations Long overlooked by many city, county, state, and national government bodies is the practice of handing out taxpayer funds for local groups, charities, and gifts.  In a local incident, the policy had been for the city to donate flowers to families of employees when someone died.  The council eliminated that provision from their policies, as it didn't deserve to be paid by the taxpayers. When someone loses a loved one, it is tragic, but is it for the government, at any level, to provide gifts of sympathy on taxpayer money?  In this case, it was just city employees and no one else.  If someone wanted to relay their sorrow, it should be done on their own money.  Individuals have always opened their hearts and pocketbooks to friends in both good and bad times.  The government is not needed, nor wanted there. Likewise, governments should not be donating public monies to various civic organi...

What If We Were Experiencing Global Cooling?

What If We Were Experiencing Global Cooling? What if we were experiencing Global Cooling? Oops, I meant a different order of “climate change.” By some professional accounts the earth has been cooling for nearly two decades, but it is an “anomaly.” On the other hand it isn’t an anomaly when the earth gently warms over a little longer period. Nope, it’s a full-blown global crisis. A hundred years is nothing when compared to the billions of years the earth may have been in existence. We hear that if we don’t do something now, the temperatures will get warmer, oceans will rise, islands will go under, shores will move closer to cities, etc. The price we will pay is just too high, warmer temperatures, greater vegetation (20% more by some calculations), and shorter winters. That just won’t do. We need to be able to regulate the thermostat of the world climate to our collectively desired temperature. As we get older and older, we will naturally want to crank that thermostat on high. Personally...