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Tracking Joe Biden's Disastrous Policies

Joe Biden starts here on day one, 1/20/21.  Devastation is coming because his policies are anti-capitalist.  

See his inauguration speech here... 

Joe goes off transcript...

To see it live at anytime, go to

                                   US Debt Clock - Energy Sources

Watch the increases in gas prices as President Biden starts to remake our economy without fossil fuels.  
Wind and solar are not going to cut it!  Larger portions of consumer spending will go towards simply commuting to work and utilities at home.  This is essentially a tax increase on everyone.  Moreover, the plan to legalize aliens and raising minimum wages will lead to greater unemployment rolls, more entitlement costs, and lower income growth.  

It all starts with killing the Keystone Pipeline as Biden promises.  Rather than getting cheaper oil from a friendly neighbor, Canada, we will incur higher utility costs.  Canada will revert to their original plan they had when Obama was high-jacking the US economy and run a new pipeline to their west coast to ship overseas.  Our remake/self-destructive policies will mean plenty of cheap and available fossil fuels for the rest of the world.  

As higher fuel prices will be built into everything we produce, our products will also suffer competitively and our trade balance will increasingly worsen.  If you're not paying attention now, you will be when you're filling up at the gas station, paying for electricity and utilities for your home.  But if you believe climate change is an existential threat, don't cry about the cost.

Who of you voted for this and why?



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