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Showing posts with the label tea party

A Look Back At The Failed Administration Of President Obama And Vice President Joe Biden

While not holding to all ideologies of President Reagan, I believe in his statement that, “…It is no coincidence that our present troubles parallel and are proportionate to the intervention and intrusion in our lives that result from unnecessary and excessive growth of government …”    I will also agree with Reagan that someone had to take a hard stance on spending, which he started before ultimately caving in to pressure.  We are seeing the result of endless spending that has gone on since President Coolidge held the reigns – an almost $17 trillion national debt and $117 trillion in unfunded liabilities (Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare).   President Bush is not solely to blame for the recession, despite the endless claims of the current administration.  The spending problems have been ongoing by both parties for a century.  The meltdown of the financial markets was the result of “easy credit” of the 1980’s. Individuals that could not really afford home...

Keystone Pipeline - The facts revealed by a Canadian Source

Everyone standing in the way of the Keystone Pipeline and supporting the Marxist/Socialist ideologies of President Obama (O'Blama everyone else) needs to leave office and find work in another country because you are simply anti-American, anti-capitalism, and anti-jobs. Sitting on your butts while we personally fund our enemies/dictatorships/ and terrorism is unconscionable! The Tea Party/Libertarians/Independents and believers of the U.S. Constitution and its religious principles (yes religion - particularly Christianity) will not have another four years of the debauchary and destruction of everything our Founders sacrificed everything for. What have you given to your country other than rhetoric, redistribution of wealth (Abomination Care), unemployment, green energy disasters (redistribution), corporate bailouts (redistribution and donations payback), Soros (Master Puppeteer), Black Panther abuse at the voting booth, Fast and Furious, lies, deception, universal show of weakne...

Individual Rights Lost

Americans continue to stand by while their rights are being stripped a little at a time. Fathers can't get custody, ex parte orders mean you're guilty until proven innocent, and criminal public officials trespass under the guise of "sovereign immunity." California takes it yet another step. California: COURT: NO WARRANT NEEDED TO SEARCH CELL PHONE The government now tells us how we should build our homes down to the screw, how our sex at birth determines whether we should get custody in adulthood, that we can't carry a cell phone without an expectation of privacy, and that public officials can do anything they want. Most Americans sit idly by while their individual rights have been slowly taken from them over the last 30 years and more. The individual rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution are now mostly history, taken from us incrementally. In fact, the slow process by which these freedoms were stripped from the American people went lar...