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Showing posts with the label oil drilling

Keystone Pipeline - The facts revealed by a Canadian Source

Everyone standing in the way of the Keystone Pipeline and supporting the Marxist/Socialist ideologies of President Obama (O'Blama everyone else) needs to leave office and find work in another country because you are simply anti-American, anti-capitalism, and anti-jobs. Sitting on your butts while we personally fund our enemies/dictatorships/ and terrorism is unconscionable! The Tea Party/Libertarians/Independents and believers of the U.S. Constitution and its religious principles (yes religion - particularly Christianity) will not have another four years of the debauchary and destruction of everything our Founders sacrificed everything for. What have you given to your country other than rhetoric, redistribution of wealth (Abomination Care), unemployment, green energy disasters (redistribution), corporate bailouts (redistribution and donations payback), Soros (Master Puppeteer), Black Panther abuse at the voting booth, Fast and Furious, lies, deception, universal show of weakne...