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There's No Unity Planned By Joe Biden's Administration

 The left's call for unity is without substance.

Without waiting a moment for the inauguration of Joe Biden to president, the left quickly put their planned agenda into place.  This includes:

1.  Huge, unprecedented suspensions and permanent banning of individuals from the left:

  • President Donald Trump
  • Sidney Powell
  • Lin Wood
  • Dan Bongino
  • QAnon
  • Conservatives
This is a blatant attack upon first amendment rights.

2.  The second impeachment of Donald Trump, withstanding any evidence.  This included every Democrat and 10 RINOs.  Where's the right to due process and a fair hearing?

Calls to invoke the 25th amendment whereas the vice president, Mike Pence, would remove President Donald Trump from office immediately.

3.  Joe Biden's remarks about getting rid of the NRA within his term.  A blatant attack on our 2nd amendment rights.  Without their representation, his administration could quickly move to gun control and banning.  

Furthermore, Biden's plans will certainly lead to greater impoverishment, national debt, international and domestic dangers, and the decline of America.  These plans include:
  • Reentering the Paris Climate Accord:  we will punish our economy so other countries are funded to take action again climate change.   This "climate change" has contrasting scientific opinions as to whether any danger exists at all.
  • Reentering the Iranian Enrichment agreement:  any agreement will escalate Iran's nuclear ability and threats to the region and the world
  • Jumping back into open trade deals with China that resulted in losses of hundreds of thousands of jobs, theft of intellectual rights, and greater trade imbalances due to currency manipulation
  • Open borders:  The flood of illegals will dramatically increase costs with entitlement programs, violence, sex and drug trafficking, and increased risk of terrorism.
  • Dramatically increasing stimulus money in lieu of opening up the economy
  • Greater UN participation:  the same UN that works against the US on virtually every important issue, including Israel and the Middle East.  The same UN that has its headquarters based in NY that we pay for while they conduct endless spying operations from it.
4.  Where was and is Joe Biden's calls for the arrest of BLM and Antifa members responsible for burning, looting, and murdering?  How do you call for unity while you remain silent about the endless censorship of the right?  If you're silent, you are not only condoning it, but accepting it as an ally of yours.  

If you are against the first and second amendment, you are against the constitution.  If you don't agree with the constitution, why should you be President of the United States which is governed by the same?

Where are Joe Biden's calls for the left to quit attacking President Donald Trump, impeaching him twice without any merit, banning him from online platforms, canceling personal contracts with his personally owned businesses, and the many threats against his life?  They aren't satisfied with "allegedly" beating him at the polls, they want to destroy him and everyone that supported him.  Yet, Biden is silent.  He is not the president we need when he sits back and accepts the rhetoric he feels serves his agenda.  His agenda is clearly to wipe out the right and establish a new U.S. without constitutional rights.  Yes, communist.

The signs of its incoming reign were seen in many realms such as:
  • Great unprecedented control of Democrats to vote exactly the same on all issues.  Rarely was there any person breaking from ranks.
  • Party control of all media (CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, etc.) all highlighting the achievements and aspirations of the left while only condemning those on the right
  • Party control of big tech (FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, etc.) suspending and banning individuals and organizations, removing posts, and posting claims about their claims.
  • Government organizations (FBI, CIA, DOJ, etc.) being involved in creating false investigations, such as the Russian Collusion Hoax.  Furthermore, the FBI and DOJ were complicit in their failures to conduct any recognizable investigation into voter fraud, Hunter Biden's laptop, or Hillary Clinton's email scandals.  The endless delays and refusals of Requests for Information are illegal and yet they engage them on nearly every matter.
  • The meritless charges against General Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, and George Papadopoulos.  The ability of our invisible government (FBI, CIA, etc.) running their own agendas is in stark contrast to that voted for by the American people. They have far less accountability to the President than citizens are led to believe. 
The money that the Biden administration promises to pay out will be unprecedented and put the United States in a high risk position.  Higher GDP to debt ratios is shown to harm GDP growth.  GDP is considered healthier at 3% or more.  Anything less leads means slower growth, less productivity, and less employment.  This in turn, means more debt, and more people living at lower standards of living.  There is absolutely nothing that Biden has suggested thus far that is positive for the American people.  Everything so far is about higher taxes, greater debt, and more impoverishment.  Those cheering for it, simply have no idea the wolves they have brought to our doors.  Yes, they will start with those from the right, but they will end up at theirs as well.  God help us all!


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