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Showing posts with the label law of nature

Individual Revelation About Purpose And Meaning

Perhaps what I wanted (fame, fortune, and influence) would have blinded me from the world, as God wanted me to see it.    History has shown us that fame, fortune, and influence, leads to blind obsession of more of the same at any cost.    They live life for their own individual desires thrusting anything not serving that interest under the bus.    They cannot fill the their addiction for more and more.    In wonder...I have always asked what I am doing here and what is my purpose.   Why were the things I chased no closer than they had been 25 years ago?   Who has not wanted to be rich, famous, and influential?   After two-and-a-half decades of struggle, working hard for long days, and taking many chances, I have just limited wisdom to show for it all.   As I sit here on a rock in a stream, on a beautiful sunny day, these thoughts come to me again.   These very thoughts were the very ones that tortured me and kept me from s...

Disputed Custody Cases

The Declaration of Independence states that one of the self-evident truths is that all men are created equal. This does not mean that any two human beings are exactly alike in any respect.   They are born different with different natural skills.   They acquire different tastes and develop along different lines.   They vary in physical strength, mental capacity, emotional stability, inherited social status, and many other ways. All men are created equal in just three ways.   They are treated as equals by God, law, and the protection of their rights.   The task of society is to accept people in all their vast array of individual differences, but treat them as equals when it comes to their role as human beings. The assumption of numerous states of joint legal and sole physical custody to the mother is clearly not acknowledging the equality of men and women.   The law is essentially saying that based on their sex at birth, parental rights are already decided...