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Showing posts with the label ihlan omar

Ihlan Omar - One Of Minnesota's Crazy Politicians

In Minnezuela, it's hard to take the top spot for crazy socialist Democrat, but Ilhan Omar has actually found a way to top Keith Ellison.  While the MN Democrats are largely nuts in this socialist state, Omar has brought crazy to a whole new level. REPORT: Firm Owned By Ilhan Omar’s Husband Took $500K in CoVID Cash After Her Campaign Paid Millions 11/30/20:   Ilhan Omar defends Minneapolis proposal to slash nearly $8 million from police budget Ilhan Omar Claims Israel Denying ‘Freedom’ to Millions, Mocks Their ‘Democracy’ Rep. Ilhan Omar @Ilhan · Nov 20 - Tweet We have an opportunity to reorient our foreign policy away from shortsighted military alliances and toward justice. We can create an America that means what it says when we claim to stand for human rights and democracy. --From a lady who married her brother and is anti-Semitic. Rich. Rep. Ilhan Omar @Ilhan · Nov 19 We need to send every American a check until this crisis is over. -- No Ilhan, we have to stop the...