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The Lying Cheating Media

Why Fox News Can’t Afford to Quit Donald Trump:  Disinformation about the election’s outcome is desired by Fox’s viewers, not forced upon them.   The Intercept is part of the MSM bias. " bears repeating, there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud, and nearly every day another court in the nation tosses out another unfounded lawsuit from the Trump campaign. Of course, the campaign’s tweets and statements reach an audience without amplification by Fox News, but the amplification is crucial oxygen that gives vigorous life to the delusions."  The Intercept.  -- Just another media outlet suggesting there is no evidence of fraud despite the numerous showings of proof.  Despicable. Karl Rove suggests Trump's legal team are conspirators..   They beg for evidence upfront and form their own opinions as to their legitimacy before it even goes to court.  FOX hit the self-destruct button on November 3rd and continue to spiral to their true roots --- libera...