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Showing posts with the label banning fracking

Joe Biden For President - Have Americans Lost Their Minds?

The coming election is the most important election in the history of our country. Updated:  10/24/20 The collusion that exists between the media, Hollywood elites, social media giants (Facebook, Google, and Twitter), debate commission, and Democrats have deprived the American people of an informed decision.  The definition of Democrats should encompass all four as one.  Even the debate commission is in the tank.  It will take every vote to end the collusion.  It would have been a landslide for President Trump if the media and big tech were fairly reporting. Many voters saw and heard little of the many good things the Trump Administration has accomplished, while hearing many lies suggesting he was doing horrible things.  On the flip side, Joe Biden has been heralded as a great leader and person.  He gets softball questions and his interviewers are often quick to save him from himself.  With Joe they get a manageable puppet. This is definitely ...

Joe Biden Ready To Cripple Economy If Elected

Joe Biden readies to cripple economy if elected.  No fracking, climate change embrace, higher taxes, transition away from fossil fuel, stacking the Supreme Court on his agenda. Joe Biden has made it abundantly clear that he would cripple this country in order to accommodate his far left supporters.  His plan to ban fracking would destroy the economies of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, and North Dakota.  It would also lead to higher fuel prices and greater dependence on foreign oil.  For what?  A feel good plan to address climate change. His plan to transition to alternative energies is profoundly unrealistic.  This transition would increase energy prices in every household and business.  In effect, yet another tax.  While eliminating subsidies for fossil fuel (that I support) he would leave the heavy subsidies in place for solar, ethanol, and wind (I don't support).  Wind and solar energy has been entertained since the beginning of life and as an...