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Showing posts with the label politics driving green energy

Senator Inhofe: Global Warming Is a Hoax, Arrogant to Think Humans Can Change Seasons

Senator Inhofe: Global Warming Is a Hoax, Arrogant to Think Humans Can Change Seasons Global warming is the second biggest sham of our time, only following the misleading reporting of the media.  Obama supporters, Al Gore, green industries, and politicians are simply using the "global warming" platform to incite fear, drive up gas prices (therefore making alternative energies more attractive), and grow government (EPA).  There are a few select groups using this "fictitious" claim to find fame, growth their wealth, and extend their power.  Would our Creator provide us with the only known current fuel (oil) and expect us to simply sit on it?  Would the Creator of ALL things provide ample fuel resources with the expectation of simply having us sit on it?  We have man trying to circumvent the Creator and Creation, pretending to know they have the answers that only HE could have.  The Earth is a Masterful, incredible masterpiece of the Creator, ...