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Showing posts with the label president obamas lies

A Country Founded by Virtuous Leaders - That isn't Obama

Political Ambitions Based on Money and Power Our great country has now evolved from one of virtue to one of selfish interests.   Presidential races are won and lost by the vast sums of money the person possesses.   When is the last time a common person of great virtue won the presidency?   Reagan, Lincoln,..?   When was the last time a poor person won the presidency? “…thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness [unjust gain]: and place such over them, to be rulers…” – Exodus 18:21. President Obama promotes unjust gain by his policies of income redistribution.   TARP was just one of the ways the Obama administration filtered money to his supporters, leaving all taxpayers on the hook for their enormous failures.   One could also argue that Mr. Obama was not among the most able men to take the White House. “The Utopian schemes of leveling [re-distribution of the wealth] and a community of goods ...

Stop The Obama Administration And Its Supporters Now!

Broken promises, blatant lies, and a fast approach to Socialism is under way by President Obama and his supporters. We must stop them and their continued reckless, planned stimulus spending that is designed to bring this country to its knees.   President Obama is doing the work of George Soros, ACORN, and other organizations that disagree with American's right to freedom, individual rights, and innovation. This group believes the Government should decide what is best for us. They fail to uphold our Constitution, force poor legislation down our throats, and continue to throw away our nations future, our future, and future generations. They wouldn't run their own household this way, but want the right to decide what's best for us. We need a strong conservative with true moral and fiscal responsibility beliefs, such as Michelle Bachmann or Governor Perry, to correct the horrendous, evil intentions of this administration and his worshipping cronies. He is not God, albeit ...

President Barrack Hussein Obama's Broken Promises

OFFICIAL LIST OF OBAMA’S BROKEN PROMISES For: March 1, 2009 Barak Obama continues to break his promises. NewsGnome will regularly post this list of Obama’s broken promises as President on the first of each month with new additions. Broken Obama promises are solicited from readers. Please add your contributions in the comments section and they’ll be added to the list. OBAMA SAID: New additions in red: I will protect federal whistleblowers who expose government waste, fraud, and abuse ......Broken I will recognize the Armenian Genocide...............................Broken I will have transparency-generals must sign secrecy oath.............Broken I will cut the deficit in half by doubling spending–say what.........Broken I will change the Washington culture of corruption...................Broken I will reach across the isle (I’m ready to fight Republicans)........Broken I will have no earmarks in stimulus, there are 9000..................Broken I will have transparency i...