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President Barrack Hussein Obama's Broken Promises

For: March 1, 2009

Barak Obama continues to break his promises. NewsGnome will regularly post this list of Obama’s broken promises as President on the first of each month with new additions. Broken Obama promises are solicited from readers. Please add your contributions in the comments section and they’ll be added to the list.


New additions in red:

I will protect federal whistleblowers who expose government waste, fraud, and abuse ......Broken
I will recognize the Armenian Genocide...............................Broken
I will have transparency-generals must sign secrecy oath.............Broken
I will cut the deficit in half by doubling spending–say what.........Broken
I will change the Washington culture of corruption...................Broken
I will reach across the isle (I’m ready to fight Republicans)........Broken
I will have no earmarks in stimulus, there are 9000..................Broken
I will have transparency in White House emails except mine...........Broken
I will demand human rights for China and Tibet.......................Broken
I will put legislation on Internet for all to read before votes.......Broken
I will have honest advisers, except those who take free rent..........Broken
I will have my administration pay their fair share of taxes...........Broken
I will eliminate rendition of terrorist combatants....................Broken
I will have a transparent admin. with the media.....................Breaking
I will bring charges against Bush admin. war crimes...................Broken
I will have new blood in admin. but names Panetta to CIA..............Broken
I will have a transparent government..................................Broken
I quite smoking (admits to bumming cigarettes)........................Broken
I will apply windfall taxes on big oil companies......................Broken
I will change US Foreign Policy, appoints Hillary Sec. State..........Broken
I will change the defense department, YET keeps Gates.................Broken
I will close Guantanamo.............................................Breaking
I will sit down with dictators with no pre-conditions.................Broken
I will stop waterboarding and CIA interrogation techniques..........Breaking
I will use federal campaign funds.....................................Broken
I will get US troops out of Iraq in 16 month..........................Broken
I will change Washington with new faces...............................Broken
I will not hire lobbyists, hires lobbyist Daschle (he's out but here are the others)...........................................................Broken
* Melody Barnes, lobbyist for American Civil Liberties Union, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, the American Constitution Society and the Center for Reproductive Rights.
* William Corr, lobbyist for Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids,
* Patrick Gaspard, lobbyist for Service Employees International Union.
* David Hayes, lobby San Diego Gas & Electric.
* Eric Holder, attorney general nominee, lobbyist for bankrupt Global Crossing telecommications.
* Ron Klain, lobbyist for Asbestos Resolution, U.S. Airways, Airborne Express and drug-maker ImClone.
* William Lynn, lobbyist for Raytheon.
* Cecilia Munoz, lobbyist for National Council of La Raza
* Mark Patterson, lobbyist for Goldman Sachs.
* Mona Sutphen, lobbyist for Angliss International.
* Michael Strautmanis, lobbied for the American Association of Justice.
* Tom Vilsack, lobbyist for NEA.
And these are not all of them. Thanks for pointing out that he has nominated a huge number of lobbyists that he promised not to appoint.
I will be non-partisan. Hires highly partisan Emanuel.................Broken
I will eliminate Bush tax cuts........................................Broken
I will dump Patriot Act wire tapping................................Breaking
I will eliminate tax breaks for wealthy..............................Broken
Posted by NewGnome at 9:16 AM


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