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Showing posts with the label natural law

A Country Founded by Virtuous Leaders - That isn't Obama

Political Ambitions Based on Money and Power Our great country has now evolved from one of virtue to one of selfish interests.   Presidential races are won and lost by the vast sums of money the person possesses.   When is the last time a common person of great virtue won the presidency?   Reagan, Lincoln,..?   When was the last time a poor person won the presidency? “…thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness [unjust gain]: and place such over them, to be rulers…” – Exodus 18:21. President Obama promotes unjust gain by his policies of income redistribution.   TARP was just one of the ways the Obama administration filtered money to his supporters, leaving all taxpayers on the hook for their enormous failures.   One could also argue that Mr. Obama was not among the most able men to take the White House. “The Utopian schemes of leveling [re-distribution of the wealth] and a community of goods ...