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Nancy Pelosi Speech - House Debates 2nd Trump Impeachment

Jan 13, 2021

Nancy Pelosi Speech - House Debates 2nd Trump Impeachment

Blogger M. Pirila used underlining to emphasize relevant passages.  His comments are in brackets.

Nancy Pelosi: Thank you, Madam speaker. I thank the gentleman for yielding and for his leadership. Madam speaker, in his annual we’ll address to our predecessors in Congress in 1862, President Abraham Lincoln spoke of the duty of the Patriot in an hour of decisive crisis for the American people. “Fellow citizens,” he said, “We cannot escape history. We will be remembered in spite of ourselves. No personal significance or insignificance can spare one or another of us. The fiery trial through which we pass will light us down in honor, or dishonor, to the latest generation. Even we here,” he said, “hold the power and bear the responsibility.” In the Bible, St. Paul wrote, “Think on these things.” We must think on what Lincoln told us. We even here, even us here, hold the power and bear the responsibility. We, you and I, hold and trust the power that arrives most directly from the people of the United States.

And we bear the responsibility to fill that oath that we all swear before God and before one another. The oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. [How about BLM/Antifa?] So help us, God. We know that we face enemies of the Constitution. We know we experienced the insurrection that violated the sanctity of the people’s capital and attempted to overturn the duly recorded will of the American people. And we know that the president of the United States incited this insurrection, this armed rebellion, against our common country. [His speech shows no such claim.  In fact, the timeline shows he was still speaking as the incursion begin.  Maybe we could wait for the investigation to wrap up first.  Why the rush?]  He must go. He is a clear and present danger to the nation that we all love. Since the presidential election in November, an election the president lost, he has repeatedly lied about the outcome, sowed self-serving doubt about democracy, and unconstitutionally sought to influence state officials to repeal reality. [Without providing any consideration of the hundreds of affidavits, and numerous findings of voter fraud, this is a lie Ms. Pelosi.]

And then came that day of fire we all experienced. The president must be impeached, and I believe the president must be convicted by the Senate, a constitutional remedy that will ensure that the Republic will be safe from this man who was so resolutely determined to tear down the things that we hold dear, and that hold us together. [Theatrical but without merit.  Instead, President Trump did numerous things in name of restoring our great country.  It's the swamp and all the shady deals that Nancy Pelosi was afraid of being torn down.]  It gives me no pleasure to say this. It breaks my heart. It should break your heart. It should break all of our hearts, for your presence in this hallowed chamber is testament to your love for our country, for America, and to your faith in the work of our founders to create a more perfect union. [Where was the love of country when you purposely delayed stimulus money for Americans?  And then when you got around to it, paid out more to foreigners for such garbage as gender studies.]

Those insurrectionists were not patriots. [And no one said they were.] They were not part of a political base to be catered to and managed. They were domestic terrorists, and justice must prevail. [Yet, BLM/Antifa members who burned, looted, and murdered, the Democrats quickly offered bail or refused to charge.]  But they did not appear out of a vacuum. They were sent here by the president with words such as a cry to, “Fight like hell.” Words matter. Truth matters. Accountability matters. [Huge stretch here, taking a rally speech with nothing inappropriate stated to suggest there was a call for war.  Pelosi has done more to incite hatred with bogus charges and claims, including the Russian Collusion Hoax and this ridiculous claim.]  In his public exhortations to him, the president saw the insurrectionists, not as the foes of freedom, as they are, but as the means to a terrible goal, the goal of his personally clinging to power, the goal of thwarting the will of the people, the goal of the ending in a fiery and bloody clash nearly two and a half centuries of our democracy. This is not theoretical. And this is not motivated by partisanship. I stand before you today as an officer of the constitution, a speaker of the House of Representatives. [The Constitution doesn't allow the impeachment of a citizen, which President Trump now is.  The Constitution that Ms. Pelosi throws around politically didn't allow state supreme courts to change election laws.  She shows she only cares about rules that can be bent to her ideologies.  Sorry, but the Constitution was beautifully written to protect everyone against the tyranny of those that break her.]

I stand before you as a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a daughter, a daughter [Let's not forget sister of a man who participated in the gang rape of a young woman and the only one who didn't get jail time] whose father proudly served in this Congress, Thomas D’Alesandro Jr. [And mob affiliate]  from Maryland, one of the first Italian Americans to serve in the Congress. And I stand here before you today as a noblest of things, a citizen of the United States of America, with my voice and my vote, with a plea to all of you. Democrats and Republicans, I ask you to search your souls and answer these questions. Is the president’s war on democracy in keeping with the Constitution? Were his words and insurrectionary mob a high crime and misdemeanor? Do we not have the duty to our oath to do all we constitutionally can do to protect our nation and our democracy from the appetites and ambitions of a man who has self-evidently demonstrated that he is a vital threat to liberty, to self-government, and to the rule of law?

Our country is divided. We all know that. There are lies abroad in the land spread by a desperate president who feels his power slipping away. [What about the media, big tech, the Russian Collusion Hoax, the Obama-Biden spying on the incoming administration, the FBI, DOJ, CIA, and the Democrat political machine?]  We know that too. But I know this as well, that we here in this House have a sacred obligation to stand for truth, to stand up for the Constitution, to stand as guardians of the Republic. In a speech he was prepared to give in Dallas on Friday, November 22nd, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was to say, “We in this country, in this generation, are by destiny rather than choice, the watchmen on the walls of world freedom. We ask, therefore, that we may be worthy of our power and responsibility.” That we may be worthy.

President Kennedy was assassinated before he could deliver those words to the nation, but they resonate more even now, in our time, in this place. Let us be worthy of our power and responsibility, that what Lincoln thought was the world’s last best hope, the United States of America, may long survive. My fellow members, my fellow Americans, we cannot escape history. Let us embrace our duty, fulfill our oath, and honor the trust of our nation. And we pray that God will continue to bless America. [He will continue to bless those that uphold His word and your advocacy of abortion, stripping individuals of their inalienable rights, and using rhetoric/false claims in hopes of vanquishing your political opponents is blasphemous.]


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