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Showing posts with the label stealing election

The Hypocritical Left And Their Voices Of Crazy

Congratulations Democrats on stealing an election...for now.  You, the whack jobs in Hollywood, the deep swamp (includes you again), the media, athletes, and big tech colluded to deprive "true" Americans of a president who believes in the U.S. Constitution.  You have Joe for a few months before you put Kamala in office, and then four years of destroying this country and rebuilding your swamp.  Even if the voting scandal eventually pans, your dishonest reporting and claims over the last four years clearly suppressed the vote by preying on low information voters.  God help you (I know you don't believe in God) if and when they get informed.  Then who will you have? Remember this Joe Biden, who led the charge to destroy Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas's nomination .  Absolutely disgusting.  Michelle Obama on Twitter:  " Let’s remember that tens of millions of people voted for the status quo, even when it meant supporting lies, hate, chaos, and ...