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The Obama Administration Knew Of Chinese Predatory Practices And Did Nothing

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05765980 Date: 08/31/2015  RELEASE IN PART B6  From: sbwhoeop B61 Sent: Friday, January 1, 2010 12:44 PM To:  H  Subject: Re: Happy New Year!  Krugman, in case you haven't seen: January 1, 2010 Op-Ed Columnist Chinese New Year By PAUL KRUGMAN It's the season when pundits traditionally make predictions about the year ahead. Mine concerns international economics: I predict that 2010 will be the year of China. And not in a good way. Actually, the biggest problems with China involve climate change. But today I want to focus on currency policy. China has become a major financial and trade power. But it doesn't act like other big economies. Instead, it follows a mercantilist policy, keeping its trade surplus artificially high. And in today's depressed world, that policy is, to put it bluntly, predatory.  Here's how it works: Unlike the dollar, the euro or the yen, whose values fluctuate freely, ...

Black in the Age of Obama

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05765959 Date: 08/31/2015  RELEASE IN PART B6  From: Cheryl Mills Sent: Sunday, December 6, 2009 9:39 PM  To: H Subject:  Fwd: Charles Blow in NYT today December 5, 2009 Op-Ed Columnist Black in the Age of Obama By CHARLES M. BLOW A hundred and fifty years ago, Charles Dickens opened "A Tale of Two Cities" with the now-famous phrase: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. ..."  Those words resonated with me recently while contemplating the impact of the Obama presidency on blacks in America. So far, it's been mixed. Blacks are living a tale of two Americas — one of the ascension of the first black president with the cultural capital that accrues; the other of a collapsing quality of life and amplified racial tensions, while supporting a president who is loath to even acknowledge their pain, let alone commiserate in it.  Last year, blacks dared to dream anew, envisioning a fu...