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Showing posts with the label true purpose of government

The True Purpose Of Government

Our country was founded with different ideals than we are currently witnessing from the Democrats and far left.  Each person has a natural right from God to defend his person, his liberty, and his property.  These are the basic requirements of life and the preservation of one is dependent on saving the other two. The law is the organization of the natural right of lawful defense (military, police, ATF, ICE, CIA, FBI, DOJ, etc.)  This larger force is carrying out only what individuals have a natural and lawful right to do:  to protect persons, liberties, and properties; to maintain the right of each, and to cause justice to reign over all. The recent riots, looting, and destruction of property is therefore a failure of the law to protect each person, his liberty, and his property.  Those governors (IL-JB. Pritzker; MN-Governor Walz, Oregon-Kate Brown; NY-Andrew Cuomo) and mayors (Chicago-Lori Lightfoot; Minneapolis-Jacob Frey; NYC-Mayor Deblasio; Portland-Ted Whe...