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The True Purpose Of Government

Our country was founded with different ideals than we are currently witnessing from the Democrats and far left.  Each person has a natural right from God to defend his person, his liberty, and his property.  These are the basic requirements of life and the preservation of one is dependent on saving the other two.

The law is the organization of the natural right of lawful defense (military, police, ATF, ICE, CIA, FBI, DOJ, etc.)  This larger force is carrying out only what individuals have a natural and lawful right to do:  to protect persons, liberties, and properties; to maintain the right of each, and to cause justice to reign over all.

The recent riots, looting, and destruction of property is therefore a failure of the law to protect each person, his liberty, and his property.  Those governors (IL-JB. Pritzker; MN-Governor Walz, Oregon-Kate Brown; NY-Andrew Cuomo) and mayors (Chicago-Lori Lightfoot; Minneapolis-Jacob Frey; NYC-Mayor Deblasio; Portland-Ted Wheeler) that delayed action or took none failed to uphold the rights of the affected citizens.  They are obligated by law to use the tax funded enforcers to protect individual rights.  This includes using the FBI to investigate and prosecute election fraud, pay-for-pay scandals of politicians (Joe Biden, Harry Reid, etc.), and fraudulent prosecutions (President Trump, Carter Page, and General Michael Flynn).

Where was the CIA and/or FBI investigation into Benghazi?  Fast and Furious?  The IRS targeting the Tea Party? The Biden laptop? Hillary's email scandal?  The Clinton Foundation?  The mysterious deaths tied to the Clintons?  Instead of remaining strictly law enforcement agencies they have become complicit in the crimes themselves.

Any circumvention of the law is punishable and must be pursued.  There is no law without enforcement.  Ideologies cannot trump the law protecting the inalienable rights of citizens.  The fact that it has is the most serious threat to our country.  It is tyranny at the highest level and if left unrooted will destroy us.

Not only did many high level government officials take part in the "made-up" impeachment claims of Russian collusion, they perpetrated the lies via the MSM for about three years.  This involved many of the same individuals who dismissed claims against Hillary's private server and subsequent destruction of evidence.  The agencies continue to obstruct justice, as they long have, by refusing to answer Data Requests.  The lack of transparency is an affront to democracy.  If information can be withheld and/or delayed, power is tightly held by few people.  This in turn, allows a small group to influence outcomes, even by deceit, to serve their personal ideologies.  This has become the case and violates the principle that justice must be blind.


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