As the 2020 election continues on and fraud is showing to be rampant the Democrats are screaming "there's nothing to see here." We don't believe it. Any true blooded American wants their legitimate votes counted and those that aren't thrown out.
What logical reason is behind Democrats not wanting to secure the vote. Instead they want President Trump to quickly concede the election and put the voting scandal behind. The media is complicit, just as they were with voter suppression, and repeatedly claim no proof has been offered to support fraud claims. They ignore the thousands of signed affidavits, dead people non-residents voting, and observers kept at a distance. Each is proof of fraud. The same media that ran the B.S. Russian Collusion story since 2016, well after it was proven to be fruitless, suddenly wants to invalidate real evidence. They think if they say it enough and spread the same message via different copycat media outlets that everyone will believe there's no evidence. Sure, the sheep will but those with any discernment will see it for the communist propaganda that it is.
This is the guy we are supposed to believe at face value is president.. The real Joe Biden -- lies about as much as President Obama does.
Democrats Prevent Voter Fraud Investigations --- We know you want to stop any investigation of your corruptness, but forget it. Your corruption has come to an abrupt end.
Schumer's Insane Rant Against Courts Just Now Shows How Scared Democrats Are of a Fair Election -- There's nothing here, really, nothing here. I mean it, it was a fair election. Whatever Schumer.
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