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The Call For Unity From The Left Is Crap

The Left's sudden call for unity is pretty rich given their ongoing comments.

1/29/21:  Public school staff member calls 'white privileged Trump supporters ... scum and a plague upon the world' in profanity-laced post  [Edited to add:  1/29/21]
1/16/21:  Actor Alec Baldwin says he has a "dream" of hanging President Donald Trump at a ;"trial for sedition' on Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday.  He tweeted,  "I had a dream Trump was on trial for sedition. And outside the courthouse, a noose was hung from a makeshift scaffold. The noose was made of recycled Covid masks."
1/14/21, Don Lemon:  “If you voted for Trump, you voted for the person who the Klan supported, you voted for the person who Nazis support, you voted for the person who the alt-right supports,” Lemon said. “That’s the crowd you are in. You voted for the person who incited a crowd to go into the Capitol and potentially take the lives of lawmakers, took the lives of police officers, took the innocent lives who were there on the Capitol that day. You voted on that side.”

Lemon also said last week’s riot at the Capitol was about “preserving whiteness.

“And preserving it in the worst possible way, which is white supremacy. They were wearing Nazi insignia on their clothing. They were neo-Nazis. They were fascists or fascist supporters. They were members of groups that people in Washington should not be fighting for at this point.”

11/30/20:  Rick Wilson, the Daily Beast's editor-at-large, says he and presumably others "won't forget" and "won't forgive" what Trump supporters did to America.

In his rant, Wilson also appeared to compare the United States to a cheap hooker that President Donald Trump used and abused.

Wilson said that it's simply "not enough to merely enjoy their agony and humiliation" as former Vice President Joe Biden is set to be inaugurated in January 2021.

"It's not enough to hope they'll be shamed and correct their behavior," Wilson added in his short — but very pointed — remarks.

"The dark is rising for Trump's sycophants, toadies, and enablers," Wilson wrote. "Their tough-guy acts and f***-your-feelings s***-talk have become a furious whine of complaints and recriminations as a toxic slurry of rage and despair has left a stinging bile in the back of their throats that won't go away."

"Trump lost," he continued, "and they can't spin their way past it."

Pointing to the Trump campaign's election fraud-related lawsuits against various states, Wilson added, "Even as his lawyers are all but chased out of each town where they file their absurd, doomed lawsuits, the true believers still imagine some miracle emerging from the wreckage of Trump's campaign."

"The media apparatus that monetized the moronic state of religion of Trumpism is still pumping their slowcoach followers full of stupid, easily disproven lies."

Wilson then appeared to compare the country to a cheap prostitute in concluding his rantings.

"The Professional Class of Republicans, though, know that the bitter end is here — that their dirty half-decade of personal abnegation and degradation is coming to a sick, sad finale," he concluded. "It would leave them with a sense of shame if they had any. Most of the GOP, Inc. types long ago lost that sensibility. Still, America is watching them experiencing a combination of fury and humiliation as Trump heads to the door before even dropping the cash on the nightstand."

11/19/20:  National Democratic Party official suggests re-education for Trump supporters: 'How do you deprogram 75 million people?'

 UNITY? BLM, Antifa mobs attack Trump supporters, Biden silent

11/9/20:  Long list of media, Democrats threaten retribution against Trump supporters, Republicans

11/9/20:  Michelle Obama calls for national unity by attacking Trump voters for 'supporting lies, hate, chaos, and division'  -- Like Barack, she is for an America where everyone agrees with her ideas.  Go make another horrible NetFlix movie!


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