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Showing posts with the label hillary clinton

Wikileaks Documents From Robert Mueller Investigation And Benghazi

 The Robert Mueller Investigation John McCain Letter To Russia For Political Donation Benghazi Emails -9/13/12, 7:29 PM:  Email from Nora F Toiv to: Cheryl D Mills; subject: American Killed in Libya Was on Intel Mission to Track Weapons 17229O37 Bitly: htto://; American Killed in Libya Was on Intel Mission to Track Weapons Before Death, Ex-SEAL Glen Doherty Told ABC News He Helped Round Up Dangerous Shoulder-Fired Rockets  -1/13/12, 2:02 PM:  Email from Cheryl Mills, Cheryl; Subject: Wash Post: Hillary Clinton tries to calm anti-U S sentiment as protesters storm embassy in Yemen -- blames internet video - 1/12/12:   Email from Sidney Blumenthal to Hillary Clinton:  Subject:  Magariaf and the attack on US in Libya -1/12/12:  11:26 P.M. :  Email from Hillary to J. Sullivan on Benghazi attack -1/13/12:  12:29 A.M. : Sidney Blumenthal e...

Don't Trust A Democrat Or Their Operatives When They Claim They Aren't Socialists

The last four years has shown the tactics the Democrats will use to subvert the American voter.  They want to rule the country but first need to seize power.  Luckily for them, the schools and colleges have indoctrinated many into believing their lies about socialism.  The entitlement programs of the 70's incrementally brought many into the fold of socialism.  They are 'entitled' to things for free, stealing the fruits of another man's labor - that is socialism.  You fools are the greatest threat to the American Dream and the American way of life. You would think after the last four years of the Russian collusion hoax, the Democrats would have learned to let go.  Nope, not for one single day.  To rig the 2020 election they enlisted a lot of help from the media and big tech in order to  suppress the vote.  Using Co-Vid as a front, they pushed absentee balloting to record levels.  They got the election date vote postponed for up to eight d...

Joe Biden For President - Have Americans Lost Their Minds?

The coming election is the most important election in the history of our country. Updated:  10/24/20 The collusion that exists between the media, Hollywood elites, social media giants (Facebook, Google, and Twitter), debate commission, and Democrats have deprived the American people of an informed decision.  The definition of Democrats should encompass all four as one.  Even the debate commission is in the tank.  It will take every vote to end the collusion.  It would have been a landslide for President Trump if the media and big tech were fairly reporting. Many voters saw and heard little of the many good things the Trump Administration has accomplished, while hearing many lies suggesting he was doing horrible things.  On the flip side, Joe Biden has been heralded as a great leader and person.  He gets softball questions and his interviewers are often quick to save him from himself.  With Joe they get a manageable puppet. This is definitely ...