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Joe Biden For President - Have Americans Lost Their Minds?

The coming election is the most important election in the history of our country.

Updated:  10/24/20

The collusion that exists between the media, Hollywood elites, social media giants (Facebook, Google, and Twitter), debate commission, and Democrats have deprived the American people of an informed decision.  The definition of Democrats should encompass all four as one.  Even the debate commission is in the tank.  It will take every vote to end the collusion.  It would have been a landslide for President Trump if the media and big tech were fairly reporting.

Many voters saw and heard little of the many good things the Trump Administration has accomplished, while hearing many lies suggesting he was doing horrible things.  On the flip side, Joe Biden has been heralded as a great leader and person.  He gets softball questions and his interviewers are often quick to save him from himself.  With Joe they get a manageable puppet. This is definitely not the case with President Trump.

"What is feared most is that President Trump is exposing the swamp!  How many others are doing dirty deals like Joe?"  You don't get four houses on a $175,000 salary without a little slide of hand.

Tim Graham: Biden's ABC town hall reveals 2 questioners' ties to Democrats – networks keep stacking the deck

“Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Author unknown.

It is inconceivable that American's would vote for Joe Biden or a Democrat given their support and involvement in numerous issues.  This include:

  • The latest revelations from the discovered hard drive is that Joe acted as a conduit for family members to make money from foreign entities.  An email from Hunter suggests Joe got 50% of it, that went towards his expenses and escaped taxation.  If this is true, and it certainly appears to be so, he would likely be impeached during his presidency -- and should. Here's the link...Corrupt Joe.  Sure enough, Twitter and Facebook quickly censored the breaking story...Social Media Censoring Political Speech.  Tony Bobulinski, Hunter Biden's partner, answers questions in Tucker Carlson interview.
  • The FBI is alleged to have withheld the Hunter Biden laptop and emails since December of 2019, allowing the fictitious impeachment proceedings to end.  The Democratic Party is poised to suffer serious consequences for their ongoing collusion.  Here's the story...  It's coming apart, Hunter Biden's business associate flips and provides 26,000 emails to reporter corroborating information...  and Joe Biden is caught lying about his knowledge and involvement in the Ukraine and Chinese events.  He should be going to prison with Hillary Clinton, not seeking the White House.  Joe used his position as Vice President to funnel money to his family and himself...
  • Big Tech Censored  President Trump 65 times, Joe Biden zero.  Time to break up big tech (FaceBook, Twitter, and Google) companies and regulate those that deny free speech to all.
  • The main stream media has been patently dishonest for the last four years, presenting fiction as true, and overwhelmingly giving President Trump negative coverage.  When President Trump wins re-election, I hope the last viewers of CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC see the light and leave them.  The almighty dollar is what matters to them, so quit watching.
  • Dump the Debate Commission as it shows unabashed Democrat support, doing what they can personally to promote Joe Biden.  Savanna Guthrie of NBC displayed overwhelming prejudice in her town hall with President Trump.  She clearly was in the tank for Joe Biden and did as much as she could to make the Democratic talking points.  She wasn't a moderator but rather an agitator and an annoying one at that.
  • Joe says he's a Catholic but in support of abortion?  It doesn't make you much of a professing Christian.  Voters that are Christian's should pause and think about the 62.4 million babies already killed.  There is no provision in the Bible to find comfort in voting for abortion because the candidate stands for other things.  If you can't stand for life, what good is anything else?  The number 62.4 million is staggering and can only be termed as genocide.  This country fought to end slavery, the Holocaust, terrorist attacks, genocide, and communism, but what about the tens of millions of babies?  The 62.4 million far exceeds the loss of Americans in all wars combined. Please view a great explanation of how a vote for abortion, under any pretense, is demonic in source...
  • Along with fellow Democrats, Joe and Kamala stand for political correctness and seek offense at benign remarks.  They keep their supporters enraged and upset, getting them to vote on their emotions rather than logic.
  • Joe and Kamala support Defund the Police calls, supporting Antifa and BLM.  That is, until it became unpopular than Joe did what Joe does on nearly issue, flips positions.  Now he 'supports' the police.  Sorry, no one believes you.
  • Joe claims that he wouldn't increase taxes on anyone but those making over $400,000 a year, while stating he would repeal the Trump tax cuts.  Joe, if you can hear me, if you remove tax cuts, you're increasing taxes for the lower and middle classes.  To top it off, his $2 trillion plus Green New Deal comes with the usual cost to Americans - mandates, subsidies, and higher fossil fuel prices.  California is hell bent on trying to build its own green utopia and the rolling blackouts are a demonstration of its abject failure.
  • Adding to the fossil fuel price, Joe and Kamala Harris, want to ban fracking.  That would put more than one million people out of work overnight, push prices up, and make us dependent once again on foreign countries.  That would be good news for Iran as well because Joe wants to re-enter an agreement with them, literally granting them more money for their state sponsored terrorism.
  • Joe and Kamala won't answer whether or not they will stack the Supreme Court to get their way.  Everyone knows that a non-answer means yes.
  • Joe and Kamala want gun control, but hide their outward contempt for gun ownership under the guise of gun buybacks
  • Joe says follow the science when it comes to Global Warming and Co-vid 19.  Great, but there are opponents and proponents to each, so we should support the one that you choose?
  • Joe is neck deep in son Hunter's Burisma scandal.  The hard drive with all the emails clearly show it.
  • Joe is in favor of Co-Vid 19 lockdowns, which are shown to cause far more deaths and problems than the virus itself.  The Democratic States that are continuing the endless lockdowns are financially crippling numerous families.  They aren't worried about them as much as they want the economy to tank to boost Joe's chances.  Joe said Trump was xenophobic when he shut down air travel from China, but that bought extra time that we needed.  Joe suddenly had an epiphany from his basement couch that he could and would do better on the pandemic.  Really, how?  He never says anything different from what has been done, other than to expand the shutdowns.  And guess what, the latest study shows that masks don't work.
  • Joe, Obama, Hillary, and the deep state created the unfounded impeachment claims against President Trump.  Still, here Joe is, running as though innocent of wrong doing.  What they did is tantamount to treason.  For four years, the Democrats have perpetuated this lie and many others in the sick attempt to overthrow a duly elected President.  They didn't give President Trump a day to do his job without their endless and factually deficient attempts to undermine him.  It really is astounding how much he has accomplished despite the efforts of so many.  
  • Trump is perceived as a threat to the swamp and they have done everything they can to get rid of him.  With the Durham investigation wrapping up and the lies being revealed, the Democrats are desperate to win the White House and Senate so they can bury them.  The American people simply can't be allowed to see what a stinking swamp has organized itself at the top of the political realm.
  • What is revealing is the ease in which the Democrats dismissed the 33,000 emails that Hillary Clinton had on her private server.  Nothing is mentioned of the hack and the people that likely lost their secret identities and were killed.  Nope, this isn't important, but a phony, contrived Russian collusion story held the limelight for three and half years.  A collusion story created at the very top of the Obama administration, with Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, James Comey, James Clapper, Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, etc. involved.  Every one of them deserve life in prison.  And what happened when the impeachment proceedings blew up?  Many of Mueller's team destroyed their cellphones so they couldn't be reviewed.  So, we have a phony collusion story that goes wrong for the Democrats and then the obstruction of justice.  Is this the character of a party you want in power?  We have a chance for the swamp to be seriously set back with another four years of Trump, but many voters are opting to regrow the swamp.
  • The Democrats resorted to numerous and false allegations against Justice Cavanaugh.  Following Alinsky's rules, they will use any means, including outright lies, to get their way.
How did Joe Biden get in the position to have a legitimate shot at becoming president? That's an easy answer for anyone who isn't an ignorant sheep of the Democrats.  The collusion that exists between the media, Hollywood elites, social media giants (Facebook, Google, and Twitter), and Democrats have deprived the American people of an informed decision.  The definition of Democrats should encompass all four as one.  Many voters saw and heard little of the many good things the Trump Administration has accomplished, while hearing many lies suggesting he was doing horrible things.  On the flip side, Joe Biden has been heralded as a great leader and person.  He gets softball questions and his interviewers are often quick to save him from himself.  With Joe they get a manageable puppet. This is definitely not the case with President Trump.  

President Trump  is doing the right things for this country, popularity be damned.  The new trade deals, restrictions to abortions, fewer regulations, energy independence, tax cuts, etc. brought the greatest economy this country every witnessed.  That was up to the point of the pandemic that everyone with any logic knows couldn't be avoided.  Joe wants everyone to think he could have saved every life.  Under his leadership he clearly would have allowed Chinese flights to continue entering the United States and it would have spread like wildfire before anyone could get any grasp on it's effects.  Joe, you are not fooling anyone -- well no one that is aware of the facts.  It's easy to say you would have done something different well after the fact, but when it was happening in the moment where were you?

Why have the Democrats and their colluders turn to such nasty measures (false accusations, fake reports, endless investigations) to stop President Trump?  The answer is obvious, they are afraid.  The investigations of U.S. John Durham and Attorney General Bill Barr are going to expose the deep swamp players.  And yes, many are going to jail.  The scandals of Hunter/Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton's emails, the attempted coup of a duly elected president, the money behind the riots, and others will be exposed fully.  Orange and stripes are going to be a big color in the next four years.

To top it all off, we all can see that Joe's mental acuity is greatly diminished, and I personally didn't think it was that great at any other point in his career.  A vote for him is surely for Kamala Harris as president.  If you are stretched to the radical far, far left you will find Kamala and the craziness that entails.  Good luck with that voters if that is your decision.  I don't know how you found the logic to vote for socialism, political correctness, government expansion, loading the Supreme Court, higher taxes, higher fuel costs, criminal protests, abolishment of the Second Amendment, and the continued genocide of unborn babies.  I can only guess you have a regular diet of social media, media, and Democratic spew.  God help the rest of us if your vote helps elect the most inept President ever.


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