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Presidential Elects - You Can Tell A Lot By Their Supporters

There's a lot to be said of individuals by the people that stand and support them.  What does it look like for VP Joe Biden and President Donald J. Trump?  The contrast is all telling.

Joe Biden is supported by most of the same individuals and groups that voted for President Obama.  They are:

  • Actors/Actresses: living the American Dream but promoting socialism, the thief of dreams
  • Planned Parenthood:  the 62.4 million babies already murdered in the U.S. since Roe v. Wade is insufficient in their eyes.
  • George Soros:  perhaps the most evil person in the U.S., hell bent on destabilizing our country
  • Pro-Athletes:  kneelers who despise our flag and promote social justice but have little or no facts to support their claims.  Like actors/actresses, many of them, like Lebron James, incite rioting and violence.  They have countless murders they have contributed too in their quest for the end of police and replacing them with social workers.  While they live in their mansions, far detached from the poor just blocks away, they promote anti-American views, while living their dream.
  • Mainstream Media (for now):  CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC; all touting Joe Biden as the next great president.  Their biased and one-sided views are about to catch up with them as President Trump awaits just six more days before being elected to his second term.  Yes, it will happen despite the overwhelming collusion of so many organizations.  The truth always comes, even if slowly, but it has come and the people of the country are carrying it to the voting booth.
  • Big Tech:  Facebook, Twitter, and Google are censoring the message of the conservatives even though this group comprises most Americans.  Yes, most people are right of the middle when it comes to politics.  Their censorship has been revealed and their deprivations of Freedom of Speech readily known.
  • Marxists/Communists and Anarchists
  • Freeloaders:  endless promises of giveaways for votes that includes free college, reparations, and welfare (many who could work but won't).
  • Democrats:  obviously, but under a platform of abortion, removing God, gun control, bigger government, more regulations, universal healthcare, open borders, sanctuary cities, and crippling green deal mandates/subsidies.
  • Those against school choice
President Obama was radical , but Joe is now partnered with the farthest left of the Democrat Party.  This includes the most radical Senator (Kamala Harris), the squad (Ihlan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Rashid Talib, and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez), the Democratic Socialists of America, and Black Lives Matter.  It would be fair to say that Antifa is also a supporter.  When it comes to foreign countries, Russia, China, and Iran would be very happy to have Joe.  Joe was mocked by Putin and put into his place.  China owns Joe and he wants to resume normal relations again where they manipulate their currency, take American jobs, and steal intellectual rights.  Iran wants Joe because he will re-enter the dangerous agreement the U.S. had with them, paving the way for their nuclear armament.  The Mideast will again be on fire.

The economy will be in tatters after he imposes further shutdowns due to Covid-19, implements his Green New Deal, eliminates Trumps tax cuts, imposes greater taxes on those making more than $400,000 a year, stacks the Supreme Court, embraces the swamp and makes it impenetrable, defends sanctuary cities, bans fracking and fossil fuels, opens the borders to illegal aliens and make them legal citizens, offers free college, a guaranteed income, universal healthcare for everyone, reparations, and imposes gun control.  These are not the traits of a free republic, but those of a socialist or communist country.

On the flip side, who is behind President Donald Trump?  
  • Believers in the 1st Amendment:  there should be no censorship occurring in main stream media or Big Tech
  • Believers in the 2nd Amendment:  all Americans, except felons, have the right to own guns
  • Believers in capitalism, the constitution, and individual liberties
  • Believers that you should work for your pay, not take handouts.  Yes, blue collar workers are sick of the taxes they pay so others don't have too.
  • Believers that our country is centered around working for citizens, not their own self-interests.  Draining the swamp so the CIA, FBI, DOJ, and IRS work without political interests in mind.  Start firing and charging corrupt officials in every level of government.  Start with Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, James Clapper, and Mueller's team members who destroyed or wiped their cell phones.  Go inward and fire/charge each person associated with the lies of the Russian collusion claim, those purposely delaying information on the Biden laptop and other publicly accessible information.  Make it a real prison where everyone involved with the known conspiracy theory never see the light of day again - ever.
  • Believers in law and order.  Our men and women in blue deserve our utmost respect and compliance.  Yes, their organization has a few bad apples, the same of every organization.  Blame the unions that protect them.  In no way, does that justify the assaults, injury, and murders of our police officers.  There is no rationalization for burning, looting, assault, and murder of citizens for any cause.  You, BLM, Antifa, and Democrat supporters, have far more blood and carnage on your hands than do the few bad officers.  BLM and Antifa are domestic terrorists and should be labeled the same.
  • Believers in peace through strength, not ill-defined wars or passive threats.  Remember Obama's red line that got trampled.  It shredded the credibility of U.S. resolve.  Then there was the pallet of cash to Iran, the biggest killer of American soldiers in the Mideast, by Obama and Biden secretly, that only funded more terrorism.  And who can forget how they sat idly by while our embassy om Benghazi came under attack.  The soldiers and diplomat murdered was indefensible.  The lies that followed thereafter was nothing more than a purposeful distraction from facts.
  • Believers in justice, following the letter of the law, upholding the principles this country was founded on, and maintaining the Supreme Court as is, not stacking it for political purposes.
  • Believers in legal immigration and walls to protect our borders
  • Non-believers of critical race theory that injects racial undertones to children
  • Believers in school choice
  • Believers that life starts at conception and that abortion is the cause of our country losing its way
  • Believers in low taxes, fewer regulations, and greater individual freedoms

A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for socialism, while a vote for President Trump is for American's self-interest.  If it isn't crystal clear, you are either a socialist/Democrat/communist or simply ignorant.


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