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Yes, American Exceptionalism Is Real!

The U.S. must stand behind the reality of American Exceptionalism, promoting its great charter upon the world

American Exceptionalism has always been the model for all countries to emulate, yet President Obama apologized and bowed to ruthless dictators.  As a president who brags of “leading from behind” does not “lead” a country that has always led the world.  Leadership means taking the front and leading the way, not following the pack like a helpless puppy.

President Trump, on the other hand, loves this country and doesn't cave to anyone.  He is out front leading and putting our country first.  As a result our country was thriving until China unleashed the pandemic. 

The American Constitution is the “gold standard” of freedom and must be restored for the sake of people everywhere.  We became the “melting pot” of the world because of the spirit we embodied.  Anyone could be an American, regardless of race, culture, class, or creed.

 The U.S. became the leader in innovation, protector of human rights, and the emblem of “freedom”.  Our strength was engrained in our beliefs, and we had the will to prevail in any fight, to shine through any darkness, to unshackle the imprisoned, and to light the “possibility” of mankind.

The Founders accepted the doctrine of “Manifest Destiny.”  This placed the responsibility of serving as the vanguard nation for the moral and political emancipation of all mankind.  Freedom, education, and progress for all men were a common denominator in the thinking of early American leaders.

We, the “true Americans”, will not go silently into the night, silenced by those wanting to bring America down, or sit still while our freedoms are taken from us.  We are down and behind, but we are not done.  We have been down before, but it was then that we rose, and plunged forward for Freedom.  We overcame and we must overcome again.

We need a president and congressional representatives, who are and will remain virtuous, and true to the U.S. Constitution.  Only men of virtue can return our country to prominence.

Take several steps to restore our economy, jobs, and the pride of Americans:

  • Shrink government and deregulate
  • Pay off the national debt, all of it
  • Mandate a balanced budget every year
  • Enact a uniform, honest method of reporting inflation – one that includes energy and food prices
  • Quit manipulating interest rates by the fed.  The manipulation leads to regular cycles of boom and bust.  Hell, eliminate the Fed completely.
  • Outside of the pandemic, do not use stimulus money – it has never worked and never will.  It is proven to lengthen recessions, increase the national debt, and is generally filled with pork.
  • Encourage personal accountability for success without punishing the successful
  • Streamline permitting procedures and finish the process in a short time frame instead of stagnating for several years and months
  • Open up every promising opportunity to drill for oil, onshore and offshore
  • Repeal Obamacare, delegating the authority for healthcare to the states
  • Build more refineries (requires deregulation)
  • Convert more cars to natural gas
  • Eliminate subsidies – let the free market determine their viability
  • Dump the United Nations (Flush twice to keep it down)
  • Our country must once again indoctrinate everyone into the knowledge of what make this country great – general education, the doctrines and the evidences of Christianity, the history of this country, and the leading features of the Constitution.  Morality and politics must be part of the curriculum
  • Individuals need to realize the importance of Bible reading.  The Founding Fathers would have considered this a grave mistake and a precursor to the failing of the American life.  As Daniel Webster stated, “It is not to be doubted, that to the free and universal reading of the Bible, in that age, men were indebted for right views of civil liberty.  The Bible is a book of faith, and a book of doctrine, and a book of morals, and a book of religion, of especial revelation from God; but it is also a book which teaches man his own individual responsibility, his own dignity, and his equality with his fellow man.”

Get government out of the way and let American’s do what they do best - innovate, succeed, fail, try again…  We have the resources, technology, and skilled work force.  All we need is bureaucrats to do what they do best, sit on their hands and do nothing but stay out of the way.

We are more than $30 trillion in debt, while still running federal deficits.  We need a balanced budget, and more importantly one that helps to extinguish our debt, fund Medicare, and social security.  As Benjamin Franklin is quoted as saying, “Think what you do when you run in debt; you give to another power over your liberty.”  The Founders recognized debt as evil, because if is a form of bondage.

Like most problems, the answer is simple, but the backbone to get it done is lacking.  True leaders of virtue, morals, and honor are the ones most likely to have the self-discipline and wherewithal to do what this country so desperately needs.  The question is where are they?


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