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Dispelling Mainstream Myths On Police Violence Against Blacks

Cops on Blacks violence is not what the mainstream media claims.  Forget Lebron James, Hollywood elitists, and others who have no clue on the facts.  All they are doing is stoking the flames and causing more violence, looting, and murder.

Perhaps nothing will decide the current election more than the ongoing, destructive actions of the Black Lives Matter movement.  It all started with the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis.  It was caught on video for the world to witness.  It was tragic and everyone agreed in their arrest and prosecution.  No one was supporting the responsible police and the opportunity was there to discuss relations between police and communities.  A single tragic event was used by opportunists and criminals to self-justify the destruction of neighborhoods and the assault of police and innocent citizens.  They destroyed the livelihoods of community businesses, looting, and burning them to the ground.  While they called for justice, they committed grave crimes, including assaults and murder.  The honorable movement led by Martin Luther King under the light of day was smeared by this movement done under hoodies and the cover of darkness.

When cops do wrong, there is qualified immunity, but how do you overcome it in court?  Here's the rule...

Some entity or entities were providing the bricks and weapons used to assault the police and destroy businesses. After all their destruction, some were arrested, only to be released by their Democratic leaders or bailed out by Hollywood elitists.  Law and order only existed for some in their eyes, and their agendas were more important than some lives.   It turned to destroying national monuments, cancel culture, and first amendment violations.  The purpose was to destroy our country as we know it.  Emotions overran facts and individuals jumped at the first indication of police brutality, ignoring the greater and farther-reaching brutality of the protestors.

The BLM movement is nothing more than the Burglary, Larceny, and Murder crusade.  No message can be taken seriously from criminals devoid of moral decency.  When Governor Tim Walz (Democrat) waited four days to act to stop the carnage, and Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey (Democrat) had the police abandon their precinct to be destroyed, they failed to protect Minnesota citizens.  Similar state governors and cities failing to uphold law and order are Chicago (Democrats Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Governor J.B. Pritzker), Portland (Democrats Mayor Ted Wheeler and Governor Kate Brown), and New York (Democrats Mayor DeBlasio and Governor Mario Cuomo).  While it’s been claimed that it’s just property that can be replaced, it is more than that to the individuals who lost everything.  The victims are those left to build a new life after they witnessed a lifetime of hard work and savings go up in smoke, neighborhoods setback for a generation, and businesses and jobs gone forever.  While they pay a huge personal cost, the state and country pay for the economic loss in higher taxes and insurance.

True leadership would have arrested every person committing a crime immediately and held them without bail.  They wouldn’t allow looting, burning, or area to be controlled by criminal elements.  Legitimate protests would happen in the light of day, not under the cover of darkness.  Sitting by while the protesters committed more than $500,000,000 in damages in Minneapolis is an abject failure of leadership.  Following that up with talk of defunding the police is surrendering to the worst elements of our society.  Leadership takes courage and surrendering the safety of your citizens to rogue players is unconscionable.  For decades, too many citizens have given their vote to smooth talking politicians, who once in office ignore their promises and show little action of merit.  Actions are what show you the soul of a person, not their words.  When you act on emotion you will often get it wrong, whereas action based on facts is generally right.

In 2018, the academic journal Social Psychological and Personality Science published a nationwide study that examined racial disparities in police use of deadly force. It found:

“In the context of police shootings, exposure would be reasonably approximated by rates of criminal involvement for blacks and whites; the more group members are involved in criminal activity, the more exposure they have to situations in which police shootings would be likely to occur.”

Based on four different national datasets on “murder/nonnegligent manslaughter, violent crime, and weapons violations,” “in nearly every case, whites were either more likely to be fatally shot by police, or police showed no significant disparity in either direction.”

“The data are clear that” police shootings generally involve cases where “suspects pose a potentially deadly threat [8 citations].”

“Although blacks have greater odds of being fatally shot given population proportions, whites overall were more likely to be fatally shot given each group’s involvement in those situations where the police may be more likely to use deadly force.”

Essentially, the whole BLM is premised on the belief that blacks are fatally shot at proportionally much higher rates than whites, without factoring in the exposure of each.  The facts do not support their broader claim of disproportionate police brutality.  The avenues to conciliation belong in conversation and policy, not violence.  Those that came out in violence have only their interests in mind.  They have exposed themselves for the criminals they are and deserve the prison cell they have earned.  Citizens are promised safety by their government, not being sold out for personal political objectives.  The proponents of this national and disgraceful rebellion are in for a shock on election day when the silent majority finally speaks its mind.  Dump the instigators that promote national division, be it the media, city councils, mayors, governors, or anyone else.  Our country is the best in the world and those that believe in it won’t succumb to those that don’t.  The truth and light will always triumph over falsehoods and darkness.  The light will burn bright on election day again!

More than twenty two individuals have been killed by rioters so far including:  David Dorn, David McAtee, Chris Beaty, Dorian Murrell, Italia Marie Kelly, Marquis Tousan, Patrick Underwood, Calvin Horton Jr.,James Scurlock, Javar Harrell, Barry Perkins III, Jorge Gomez, Jose Gutierrez, Victor Cazares Jr., Marvin Francois,Horace Lorenzo Anderson, Antonio Mays Jr., Summer Taylor, Secoriea Turner, Jessica Doty Whitaker, and two unidentified looters.


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