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Showing posts with the label 4th amendment

Can A Police Officer Enter A Home Without A Warrant?

Here's a relevant article on trespassing that law officials, particularly Judge Dale Wolf and Thomas Pertler, county attorney need to read and start enforcing .   If a police officer must have a warrant to enter anothers premises, why is Carlton County allowing building inspectors (John Gulland) and fire chiefs (Jeffrey Juntunen) to illegally enter privately owned property?  Whatever twist of the law Carlton County places on trespassing enforcement, absolutely nothing warrants the unknown entering of private property as evidenced in Thomson Township. By Alyssa Menard , eHow Contributor, last updated March 05, 2012 Can a Police Officer Enter a Home Without a Warrant? If law enforcement officer suspects criminal activity or contraband at a particular location and can prove "probable cause," a judge can issue a search warrant. A search warrant is a court order that allows the police to search a specified location for specific objects for a duration of time. Unreasonab...

Constitutional challenges to the MN Government Data Practices Act, Sovereign Immunity (under guise of other immunities), MN DOLI powers, and late Admissions

Marvin Pirila & Gail Francette 1 N Cloquet Rd W Esko, MN 55733 December 21, 2011 Eric H. Holder Jr, U.S. Attorney General U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001 Solicitor General of the United States Room 5614, Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20530-0001 Lori Swanson, Attorney General Minnesota Attorney General's Office 1400 Bremer Tower 445 Minnesota Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Attn: U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson, Solicitor General of the United States One :   In their petition to the U.S. Supreme Court, petitioners Marvin Pirila and Gail Francette challenge the constitutionality of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act .   This case is Appellate Court Case No. A11-276, Petitioners, Marvin Pirila & Gail Francette vs. Respondents, Thomson Township, Thomson Township Fire Department, John Gulland, Duane Grace, Jeffrey Juntunen. ...