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Can A Police Officer Enter A Home Without A Warrant?

Here's a relevant article on trespassing that law officials, particularly Judge Dale Wolf and Thomas Pertler, county attorney need to read and start enforcing.  

If a police officer must have a warrant to enter anothers premises, why is Carlton County allowing building inspectors (John Gulland) and fire chiefs (Jeffrey Juntunen) to illegally enter privately owned property?  Whatever twist of the law Carlton County places on trespassing enforcement, absolutely nothing warrants the unknown entering of private property as evidenced in Thomson Township.

By Alyssa Menard, eHow Contributor, last updated March 05, 2012

Can a Police Officer Enter a Home Without a Warrant?

If law enforcement officer suspects criminal activity or contraband at a particular location and can prove "probable cause," a judge can issue a search warrant. A search warrant is a court order that allows the police to search a specified location for specific objects for a duration of time.

Unreasonable Search

The fourth amendment to the Constitution protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures by law enforcement. The amendment requires search and arrest warrants be sanctioned by a judge and supported by probable cause.


Officers can search homes without warrants if the homeowner/renter willingly consents without coercion or deception.

An officer rightfully on someone's property can legally search if he is in view of contraband or visible evidence of a crime.

Officers already arresting someone in their home can search to prevent the destruction of evidence or for weapons or accomplices.

Officers can search in time-restricted situations where the process of obtaining a valid warrant could compromise public welfare or potential evidence.


The owner/renter of the property has the right to read the warrant or to have it read to them. They also have a right to request an explanation as to the reason for the search.

Read more: Can a Police Officer Enter a Home Without a Warrant? |


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