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Obama Has A Record And It SUCKS!

Since Obama took office things have got incredibly worse:  A comparison of October 25, 2008 and October 25, 2012 makes it very clear.

US Public Debt Subject to Limit rose from $9,000,000,000,000 to $16,030,671,412,941, a 78% increase.   Obama's administration is causing this to balloon through huge deficit spending.

US National Debt rose from $10,433,366,689,774 to $16,205,467,176,477, a 55% increase.

US Federal Spending  rose from $2,936,982,146,347 to $3,551,242,146,184,  a 21% increase.

US Federal Budget Deficit rose from $405,010,552,617 to $1,127,473,808,670,  a 178% increase over revenue.

US Federal Tax Revenue dropped from $2,531,971,593,314 to $2,423,768,372,454, a 4% reduction.

US Debt Held by Foreign Countries rose from $3,438,115,400,099 to  $5,585,703,211,717, a 62% increase

US Total Debt  rose from $50,711,168,783,159 to  $58,616,715,866,103, a 16% increase.

US Population rose from 305,097,473 to 314,648,618, a 3% increase.

US Income Taxpayers rose from 108,597,475 to 114,585,123, up 6%.

Official Unemployed rose from 10,491,375 to 11,959,804, an increase of 14%.   "Obama claims 8% unemployment even though it is really 14%."

Actual Unemployed rose from 13,554,685 to 22,679,005, an increase of 67%.  "More than 9.1 million more actual unemployed; includes underemployed"

US Work Force dropped from 143,858,537 to 143,177,176, or a loss of 681,361 workers.  "The workforce has shrunk as the population has increased 3%.  More than 2 million have given up looking for work."

US Retirees & SSI rose from 50,713,658 to 68,022,345, up 34% "This is a growing problem for everyone as baby boomers retire"

US Families rose from 79,600,700 to 83,465,585, an increase of 5%.

Food Stamp Recipients exploded from 32,549,593 to 47,074,863, an increase of 14,525,270 people which is a 45%  increase.

Federal Reserve Monetary Base  climbed enormously from $1,516,162,591,576 to   $2,654,581,994,932, an increase of 75%. "The Obama administration has continually printed money, exploding the monetary base"

M2 Money Supply rose from $8,123,250,459,443 to $10,209,864,690,259, a 26% increase.  "This increase leads to a weaker dollar, allowing consumers to buy less"

Treasury Securities rose from $1,060,185,018,908 to $1,193,169,805,642,  a 13% increase.  The artificial increase in money led to higher inflation (near 9%) and money buying much less."

Currency and Credit Derivatives  rose from $556,509,519,577,826 to $745,948,701,556,573, a 34% increase.   "Inflation and eroding pay results in less purchasing ability."

US Debt Held by Foreign Countries  increased from $3,438,115,400,099 to $5,582,703,211,717, a 62% increase.  "Money borrowed for stimulus money has been proven to extend recessions."

US Trade Deficit  dropped from $814,870,952,950 to $776,093,242,948, a 5% drop.  "Dropped due to weaker dollar that allows other countries to buy more goods from U.S."

US Trade Deficit with China rose from $266,337,568,297 to $331,613,531,336, a 25% increase.  "U.S. is buying 25% more from China under Obama"

US Imported Oil  rose from $422,439,876,566 to $445,630,062,758, a 5% increase.  "The high price of gasoline under Obama has caused consumers to reduce use."

Imported Oil - OPEC dropped from $193,532,659,480 to $176,304,147,506, a 9% drop.   "The turmoil in Arab countries has led to purchases in other non-OPEC countries.  Also, federal leases
granted under Clinton and Bush helped. Obama has restricted domestic drilling substantially,
particularly on federal lands."
Largest Budget Items
Defense/Wars rose slightly from $661,360,508,310 to $661,760,413,294.  "There was no decrease whatsoever despite Obama's claims.  Actually up by almost $400 million."

Medicare/Medicaid  rose from $651,643,588,036 to $754,861,185,368,  a 16% increase.   "Unavoidable as many baby boomers retire"

Social Security costs rose from $606,465,043,594 to $778,251,601,773, up 28% "Unavoidable as many baby boomers retire"

Interest on Debt  rose from $250,143,248,249.00 to $257,036,584,764.00, a 3% increase.  A lot of this money is going to China.

Income Security  rose  from $249,644,273,836.00 to $365,386,984,245.00, up 46%.

Federal Pensions  rose from $171,678,888,808.00 to $212,535,338,838.00, a 24% increase.

Obama's Scandals 

"Fast and Furious - trading arms to Mexican Cartels used to kill at least one border agent.  Under fire for the administration's role, Attorney General Aric Holder was pardoned by President Obama"

Solyndra - More than $500 million to a solar panel company that didn't produce squat.  This loss was on the backs of taxpayers.
Black Panther Voter Intimidation - Black Panthers interfered with the voting process in violation of federal laws.  The justice department refused to investigate.

Joe Biden's brother received a $1.5 billion contract in Iraq. 

Obama was the first president in U.S. history to have known terrorists visit the White House. 

Obama has turned America's back on it's closest ally in the Middle East - Israel. 

Obama has bowed and apologized to brutal dictators around the world. 

Obama repeatedly lied about the Benghazi, Libya, attack.  He said it was because of a video (Lie), was a rally gone bad (Lie), and that he knew nothing about it (Lie). 

A leader by definition cannot lead from behind as Obama likes to define himself. 

"The U.S. has stood by while Russia used its veto power to deny U.N. assistance to the Syrian people, then watched as the Soviets armed the Syrian army so it could slaughter more than 30,000 citizens."

"Obama has used Executive Priviledge improperly almost 1,000 times, ignoring Congress, and ultimately the public that depends on its representatives to for its voice.  He is not a dictator although he has performed as one.  His repeated appointment of ""Czars"" is most telling.  Thinking the camera was off when talking to Putin, Obama said he would ""have a little more flexibility after the election.""  If he used executive priviledge excessively in his first term, facing another election, what
do you think he will do in a second term when there is not another election?" 
Obama was the first president ever to ignore National Prayer Day.  Note that this is a day of prayer whatever your faith.

"Obama's bailout plan (Stimulus) favored some companies while destroying others.  The controls were already in place and didn’t' require any government intervention.  Companies in trouble generally enter bankruptcy court and restructure their debt.  Stockholders take that ""known risk"" when investing." 

"Whatever you think of Obamacare, it was rammed down the throats of the American public that were overwhelmingly against it.  To this day no one can explain it, even though Nancy Pelosi said we needed to pass the bill to see what's in it.  Ridiculous statement for a ridiculous plan.  Like it or not, it does include language that allows a denial of heath care for some, is administered by the IRS (who is ruthless and poorly managed), and funds Planned Parenthood.  I personally believe that a woman's choice is whether or not she is going to do what she can to avoid pregnancy.  If she is willingly having sex and gets pregnant, the public should not pay for her abortion.  Should the living, yet unborn, be murdered out of convenience to the poor decision of the mother. 

Our country is failing in many respects because of the lack of accountability - hence we have many wanting ""Socialism"" without understanding the personal costs to liberty and freedom.  Look at France.  This should be left to the states, rather than the Federal Government to determine.  A more centralized government puts more power into the hands of fewer people and is a risk to the individual freedoms we now have.   If that's not enough reason, the U.S. already has more than $117 trillion in unfunded liabilities (Social Security, Medicare,  National Debt, etc.)  -- where is this money going to come from for Obamacare?  You cannot continue to print more money without weakening the dollar, killing growth, and creating high inflation.  By nearly any measure we are already bankrupt." 

"Obama bashes Romney for not disclosing what tax loopholes he would close in his quest to increase revenue, but lo and behold, Obama's own, and very recent plan suggests closing loopholes, but not specifically which ones.  Likewise, Obama says nothing about cutting costs and would continue deficit spending.  After 4 years, he still has NO plan.  This country has not gotten one iota better, but has actually declined in every aspect (financially, militarily, socially, etc.)."   "Taxing the very wealthy at higher and higher rates will do nothing to benefit this country or its people.  If you took it all, it wouldn't amount to much, relative to our population and the nations debt.  What it would be is a disincentive to success and investment.  You will see more money go overseas, more businesses go overseas, and less domestic investment.  And if this is social responsibility, what happens after this money is gone and still people are struggling, and they will be more than ever?  Do we go next to those earning over $100,000, then those earning over $50,000, until everyone has exactly the same?  Those deadbeats that could work but won't will get exactly what you do without lifting a finger other than count the money you earned for them?  Is this the future you want for your kids?" 

"Obama promised to bring people together, but the truth is it has never been more divided, and that is his doing.  Class warfare has the poorer blaming the rich for their problems.  Racial warfare was inflamed by this administrations failure to prosecute minority groups and individuals for civil rights violations.  He blames the Republicans and Tea Party for things when he held a majority in both houses and a free path for two years.  Yet, what did accomplish?  I can't think of a single thing." 
The masses seem caught up in the repeated use of words, even when they are blatantly untrue.  Hitler blamed the Jews, Obama blames everyone, but particularly the rich (even though he has many rich friends, like George Soros, Warren Buffett, etc.), Republicans, and the Tea Party.  So many people have been thrown under the bus, the bus had to get a lot more clearance room underneath. 

A "true" leader accepts responsibility, Obama blames everyone else, particularly Bush.  Will he accept responsibility when the next President takes over his devastating mess?  I doubt it.  And the blind sheep of this country will defend him, without the benefit of logic or reason. 

There are no signs the economy is improving, despite some claims "that things are getting better."  They are actually getting worse.  The deficit spending is causing the national debt to soar, inflation is approaching double digits (even though the administration wants you to exclude gas and groceries from the CPI), and wages have stagnated.  Unless you received a roughly 10% pay increase you have lost money.  You would need that much just to stay even (Inflation:  9% + GNP:  1%).  The GNP (Gross National Product has to be at least 3% to be considered healthy), yet in Obama's term it has barely topped 1%.

"A free market has ups and downs, which occur to correct anomalies in the system.  When the Fed manipulates the interest rate they are upsetting the natural system.  Low interest rates boost housing sales but hurt retirees who have investments." 

"The idea of ""redistribution"" is ""socialism"" by definition, and one step from communism.  It really is the consolidation of power into a small group of elitists."

"Four years ago Obama swung the election with a message of hope, but that's all it was - a speech, nothing more.  He's proven that he likes to stand out in front when it comes to speaking, but when it comes to leadership, he likes to lead from behind.  After four years, Obama has no ""real"" record to run on, so he's attempting to make one up.  In fact, the only record he has is one of regular visits to liberal talk shows, celebrity visits, and numerous outings to the golf course.  It makes one wonder if Obama sought the presidency to become a Hollywood celebrity rather than to lead the country out of trouble.  His record clearly suggests "celebrity"" status.  Maybe he can get his own show after being done in office called, ""Motivational deception.""  Given four years to deliver tangible evidence of hope, Obama has none to offer.  Will another round of empty promises win him another term?  We'll see."     


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