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Showing posts with the label co2 levels

What If We Were Experiencing Global Cooling?

What If We Were Experiencing Global Cooling? What if we were experiencing Global Cooling? Oops, I meant a different order of “climate change.” By some professional accounts the earth has been cooling for nearly two decades, but it is an “anomaly.” On the other hand it isn’t an anomaly when the earth gently warms over a little longer period. Nope, it’s a full-blown global crisis. A hundred years is nothing when compared to the billions of years the earth may have been in existence. We hear that if we don’t do something now, the temperatures will get warmer, oceans will rise, islands will go under, shores will move closer to cities, etc. The price we will pay is just too high, warmer temperatures, greater vegetation (20% more by some calculations), and shorter winters. That just won’t do. We need to be able to regulate the thermostat of the world climate to our collectively desired temperature. As we get older and older, we will naturally want to crank that thermostat on high. Personally...