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Showing posts with the label communist party

Obama Associates

Here's a partial list of president Obama's friends and associates. 1. ACORN… Obama gave them $800,000 this year 2. Alinsky, Saul …Obama is a follower of Alinsky 3. Auchi, Nadhmi… lent Obama over 3 million, British citizen born in Iraq with ties to Tony Rezko 4. Ayers, William …Weather Underground, unrepentant terrorist 5. Bean, Terrence …raised 50-100K - once controlled the biggest producer of gay porn in America. 6. Black Panther party 7. Chandoo, Muhammad Hasa …College roommate #1 from Pakistan 8. Code Pink 9. Communist Party of USA… ENDORSED Obama 10. Davidson, Carl …SDS Member, associated with 11. Chicago’s “New Party” 12. Davis, Frank Marshall ….mentor of Obama 13. Dohrn, Bernadine…. Weather Underground, unrepentant terrorist – Married to William Ayers. Fox News has finally mentioned Michelle Obama and Bernadine Mrs. Terrorist Ayers' working together at a law firm. AYERS introduced Barack Obama to Michelle Lavaughn Rob...