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Obama Associates

Here's a partial list of president Obama's friends and associates.

1. ACORN… Obama gave them $800,000 this year
2. Alinsky, Saul …Obama is a follower of Alinsky
3. Auchi, Nadhmi… lent Obama over 3 million, British citizen born in Iraq with ties to Tony Rezko
4. Ayers, William …Weather Underground, unrepentant terrorist
5. Bean, Terrence …raised 50-100K - once controlled the biggest producer of gay porn in America.
6. Black Panther party
7. Chandoo, Muhammad Hasa …College roommate #1 from Pakistan
8. Code Pink
9. Communist Party of USA… ENDORSED Obama
10. Davidson, Carl …SDS Member, associated with
11. Chicago’s “New Party”
12. Davis, Frank Marshall ….mentor of Obama
13. Dohrn, Bernadine…. Weather Underground, unrepentant terrorist – Married to William Ayers. Fox News has finally mentioned Michelle Obama and Bernadine Mrs. Terrorist Ayers' working together at a law firm. AYERS introduced Barack Obama to Michelle Lavaughn Robinson (now Obama).
14. Evans, Jodie ….Code Pink…known to visit with Chavez, Ahjamanihead
15. Funnye, Rabbi Capers …Michelle Obama’s cousin
16. Hamid, Wahid …College roommate #2 from Pakistan
17. Jones, Emil ….“Illinois State Senate President Serves Under An Ethical Cloud. He Has Several Family Members On The State Payroll And Uses His Clout To Aid Their Business Interests.”
18. arret, Valerie …..MO’s boss, then BO’s Campaign team
19. Johnson, James….former Fannie Mae CEO…left due to “improprieties” helped select Obama VP
20. Katz, Marilyn ….former active SDS Member, member Obama’s Credential’s committee
21. Khalidi, Rashid ….former spokesman for PLO, now professor Arab Studies, Columbia; founded AAAN
22. Kilpatrick, Kwame…. jailed Detroit Mayor, Obama praised him….in May 2007
23. Klonsky, Mike and his wife, both Maoists. They shared office space with Ayers, Michelle Obama and Barack Obama and there's a thread in breaking news about it.
24. La Raza…Obama has ties to The Gamaleil foundation, which has ties to La Raza
25. Lee, Eric… Reverend, anti-Semite endorses Barack Obama and mentions him as their point man. He's another Rev. Wright 
26. Lippert, Mark…According to several highly credible ex-ODM sources WND interviewed in Kenya, the $950,000 raised for Odinga's campaign came from a series of private meetings arranged for Odinga by Mark Lippert, a foreign policy adviser in Obama's U.S. Senate office.The meetings with top-dollar Obama fundraisers and donors took place during Odinga's 2006 trip to the U.S
27. Malley, Robert …..former member Obama campaign Staff w/ties to Hamas
28. Mansour, Al, aka Warden, Donald ……Muslim financier of Obama’s Harvard education. Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tario Al-Mansour a.k.a. Don Warden - a lawyer, an orthodox Muslim, a black nationalist, an author, an international deal-maker, an educator, and an outspoken enemy of Israel.
29. Neier, Aryeh…. founder of SDS, now President of George Soros, Open Society Institute
30. Odeh, Abdulrahman…From the Dallas Morning News: Holy Land Foundation (HAMAS fundraisers) defendant Abdulrahman Odeh. Obama came up w/the search.
31. Odinga, Raila …..Kenyan radical muslim Cousin of Barack’s, whom Obama supported IN Kenya
32. Pfleiger Father
33. Pritzker, Penny… Finance Chairperson of Obama’s presidential campaign - helped develop the complicated investment bundling of subprime securities at the heart of the meltdown. Board Chair of failed Superior Bank.
34. Radthe, Wade ….founder of ACORN, leader of SEIU chapter (Service Employees Int’l Union)
35. Raines, Franklin ….former head of FANNIE MAE….former? Campaign “housing” advisor?
36. Rezko Chicago Politics…. - convicted felon
37. Robinson, Michelle Lavaughn (maiden name) Princeton Thesis. She really hated Amerika when she wrote her thesis (no wonder why BHO said families are off limits.)
38. Sadeki: Obama’s college roommate from Pakistan who traveled to the Middle East with Obama.
39. Said, Edward: plagiarist, fabricator, and prominent PLO/Arafat advisor
40. Shoebat, Walid Shoebat, former PLO member and now a Christian says there is more to Sen. Obama's past ties to Islam than many of us realize.
41. Socialist Party of USA….. ENDORSED Obama
42. Sotomayor was w/La Raza
43. Te Gamaleil Foundation. The organization is called Public Allies and Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama was a founding member of the board of directors in 1992. He later resigned and his
wife became executive director of the group. According to an editorial in Investor's Business Daily, Obama plans to use the non-profit, which is funded partly by the federal government and is featured on Obama's campaign website, as the model for a national service corps, called the "Universal Voluntary Public Service."
44. Wright, Reverend ….Pastor for 20 years - leader in the BLACK LIBERATION Theology movement. Questions have persisted about Wright in part because of the recent revelation that his church bulletin reprinted a Times op-ed written by a leader of Hamas.” “One Jewish leader said he viewed Obama’s outreach to Palestinian activists, such as Said, in the light of his relationship to Wright.”


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