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The Simple Answer to the U.S. Economy that Obama won't Allow

The United States answer to its energy problem is much simpler than the government will ever admit. Solar and wind, while having limited use in producing electricity and heat, will never compete with the cost of using oil for transportation. Capitalism should decide when it is cost effective to switch to alternative energy, not the government and the secret agendas of politicians. Ethanol is shown to use more fossil fuel in its production than it returns and puts additional pressure on corn prices. In the absence of subsidies, this industry would rightfully die.

This country needs to protect its national security by producing and maintaining its own oil. Export nothing. Why are we importing oil from our sworn enemies? We have plenty of our own oil, and Canada has tremendous oil resources of its own. We are essentially putting the very money needed by terrorists and rogue countries into their pockets.

Politics are being played. President Obama's campaign was funded in large part by environmentalists and George Soros. When Obama publicly told Brazil they should drill for oil and the United States would be its best customer, this was a slap in the face to America. Capitalizing on the gulf oil spill, Obama endorsed endless drilling moratiums and essentially killed all domestic drilling. The Brazilian push to drill, along with government aid from the U.S., was Obama's way of repaying his good buddy Soros back for his campaign assistance. Soros had owned common stock in the Brazilian firm directly benefitting from the U.S. aid, trading it in the fall of 2010 for preferred stock. He and his hedge firm stand to earn billions from the deal. If that is not bad enough, the crude is to be sent to Columbia for refining. The U.S. refines about 95% of its own oil, and has not built a new small refinery built since 1993, and no large one since 1976. What country is Obama helping by outsourcing the entire job to foreign countries, then promising to buy it back when they are done? He is giving money to foreign countries to drill the oil, refine it, and ship it back to us, in large part on our own money. Amazingly, he says this will create 15,000 jobs in the U.S. -- how? If we are not doing any of the work, where are the jobs?

Even in the lengthy process of drilling that occurs before the production of significant oil, the world would be put on notice that we will not be held hostage to OPEC or other oil extortion schemes. The process would be a boost to consumer confidence, immediate jobs, and a solid plan for returning this country to economic prosperity.


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