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Showing posts with the label scorecard

The Dominion Voting Systems Saga

Lou Dobbs on CNN in 2006:  Smartmatic based in Venezuela sale to Dominion, top officials in Venezuela Developing: Vote Ratios Stay Exact Same For All Trump And Biden Ballots After Massive Overnight Ballot Drops.  There are many numerical inconsistencies with how ballots have been processed and accounted for. Many of the discrepancies are simply inconceivable Genius Patriot Edward Solomon Discovered The Exact Dominion Algorithm That Transferred MILLIONS of Votes!  Brazilian Journalist Discusses Connection Between Rigged Elections And Dominion Voting Machines Lou Dobbs Says the FBI Has An Investigative Team Looking Into the 2020 Election According to a “Highly Reliable Source” Dominion Voting Systems have the ability to review votes in real time as they're coming... People Got Kickbacks For Using Dominion Software 11/15/20:   Sidney Powell Drops a BOMB on Sunday Morning Futures: CIA May have Used Dominion for Its Own Benefit – Gina Haspel Should be Fired Immediate...

The Voting Scandal Is Unwinding - Compelling Evidence Of Fraud

Critical Updates:  The Voting Scandal Is Unwinding... Peter Navarro Summarizes The Voting Scandal In Depth  [Edited to Add:  1/29/21] Rand Paul Takes George Stephanopoulos To The Woodshed  [Edited to Add:  1/24/21] 54,199 votes injected into Michigan election, 100% for Joe Biden  11/24/20:  Election 2020 Was Rigged: The Evidence Dominion Voting Systems Tied To Antifa Founder Patrick Byrne Says Two Top Level Republicans Involved In The Election Rigging Articia Bomer Witnessed Dems Counting Spoiled Ballots for Biden and Tampering with Machines at Cobo - Detroit, MI Tech Expert Patrick Byrne Explains How They Used “Stop and Drop” To Steal The Election 11/24/20:   Group files emergency petition in Wisconsin after finding 150,000 potentially fraudulent ballots Developing: Vote Ratios Stay Exact Same For All Trump And Biden Ballots After Massive Overnight Ballot Drops.  There are many numerical inconsistencies with how ballots ha...