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The Voting Scandal Is Unwinding - Compelling Evidence Of Fraud

Critical Updates:  The Voting Scandal Is Unwinding...

Peter Navarro Summarizes The Voting Scandal In Depth [Edited to Add:  1/29/21]

Rand Paul Takes George Stephanopoulos To The Woodshed [Edited to Add:  1/24/21]

54,199 votes injected into Michigan election, 100% for Joe Biden 

11/24/20:  Election 2020 Was Rigged: The Evidence

Dominion Voting Systems Tied To Antifa Founder Patrick Byrne Says Two Top Level Republicans Involved In The Election Rigging

Articia Bomer Witnessed Dems Counting Spoiled Ballots for Biden and Tampering with Machines at Cobo - Detroit, MI

Tech Expert Patrick Byrne Explains How They Used “Stop and Drop” To Steal The Election

11/24/20:  Group files emergency petition in Wisconsin after finding 150,000 potentially fraudulent ballots

Developing: Vote Ratios Stay Exact Same For All Trump And Biden Ballots After Massive Overnight Ballot Drops.  There are many numerical inconsistencies with how ballots have been processed and accounted for. Many of the discrepancies are simply inconceivable

Genius Patriot Edward Solomon Discovered The Exact Dominion Algorithm That Transferred MILLIONS of Votes! 

Brazilian Journalist Discusses Connection Between Rigged Elections And Dominion Voting Machines

The Evidence Is Huge Says Joe Digenova, Attorney On Trump Team 

Trump Campaign Lawyer Comes Forward With SHOCKING Fraud Claims From "Over 400 People" in Nevada

Lou Dobbs Says the FBI Has An Investigative Team Looking Into the 2020 Election According to a “Highly Reliable Source”

Dominion Voting Systems have the ability to review votes in real time as they're coming...

People Got Kickbacks For Using Dominion Software

11/15/20:  Sidney Powell Drops a BOMB on Sunday Morning Futures: CIA May have Used Dominion for Its Own Benefit – Gina Haspel Should be Fired Immediately!

A fantastic article by James Hirsen that nicely summarizes the anomalies in the 2020 election.

Don't lose hope yet Trumper's, there's still a chance.  We have to keep up the pressure!
There was some significant and late ballot drops that changed the outcome of the expected elections in Wisconsin and Michigan.  One of the largest drops was 100% Biden.  Impossible in any country except Russia and China.  The Democrats would be calling this Russian Collusion, but what do we call it?  Treason.

Prior to the 4 a.m. dumps of 300,000 ballots for Biden in Michigan, Trump was ahead in Pennsylvania by nearly 700,000, in Michigan by over 300,000, and in Wisconsin by about 120,000.  President Trump got zero votes in this dump.  Impossible.  If there was fraud and it's allowed to go without punishment, the American experience is over and the world no longer has hope.

This election was constitutionally over when midnight struck on Tuesday night says Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch (  If that proves to be true, President Trump was re-elected.  To fix the problem state legislatures may choose by electoral votes to vote Trump back in, in spite of the polling counts.  It's rare, but the U.S. Supreme Court may also demand a new vote.  What you need to do to save the election...

Article VII, Section 2, of the Pennsylvania Constitution, provides that "The general election shall be held biennially on the Tuesday next following the first Monday of November in each even-numbered year," i.e., on one day, and that the legislators of Pennsylvania who voted for a statute that allows vote-counting after that day, violated their oath by passing an unconstitutional law.

Pennsylvania’s Democratic-dominated Supreme Court accepted mail-in ballots until Nov. 6, violating state law. Postmarks and matching signatures are optional.

When a dozen down ballots for Republicans was won, the President almost always wins.  Trump was leading until late Tuesday night, but then slowly turned to Biden's favor.  Isn't it amazing how they found the right number of votes to turn the vote, enabled by the extra time they had?  No one is buying it.  Time for everyone involved to go to jail!

Poll observers were illegally forbidden from watching or placed so far away as to make monitoring impossible.

A Pennsylvania judge ordered election officials to let Republicans observe vote counts at six feet of social distance. GOP witnesses previously were kept 30 to 100 feet away, behind police barricades. Some watched the tally through binoculars.

11/8/20: Republicans expand probe into Dominion Voting Systems after Michigan counting snafu

11/7/20:  Officials raised concerns for years about security of U.S. voting machines, software systems -- shows the George Soros connection.  And these questionable machines were used in every swing state as well as many more.

11/`/20: True Electoral Count Shows Trump Winning

Dick Morris:  Trump Can Still Win

In 30 States, A Computer System Known To Be Defective Is Tallying Votes

Voting Anomalies:

  • Nate Silver’s reported via Twitter on Wednesday, "Two more batches of Pennsylvania vote were reported: -23,277 votes in Philadelphia, all for Biden -about 5,300 votes in Luzerne County, nearly 4,000 of which were for Biden." The first figure is terrifying and demands immediate investigation.
  • Second, 4,000 votes among 5,300 in Luzern County represents 75.5% for Biden. Strange: Real Clear Politics finds Biden losing there with 42.2% versus 56.8% for Trump.
  • Milwaukee’s Voting Ward 326 enjoyed a stunning 125% turnout among its registered voters. In fact, 122 such wards saw participation at or above 80%, outpacing Wisconsin’s 72.3% turnout and America’s at 66.3%. Extremely high turnout or highly suspicious?

A Breakdown of Michigan’s Witching Hour Ballot Dump from Tuesday - Argument that no cheating took place

Michigan 'Ballot Dump' Never Happened According To Data Provider, Blames 'Clerical Error'

Trey Trainor to Newsmax TV: Voter Fraud Is Taking Place

Matt Schlapp: Republicans Demanding Transparency in Nevada

USPS Says Huge Amount Of Mail-In Ballots Were Not Delivered

New Jersey Election Invalidated Because of Mail-In Voter Fraud

Military Ballots Found in the Trash in Pennsylvania—Most Were Trump Votes

Wrong turn leads to postal carrier's arrest; mail found in car included absentees

Bombshell if True:  Dr. Steve Pieczenik: “We watermarked every ballot with a QFS blockchain encryption code”

Corrupted Software Used In Michigan That Stole 6,000 Votes From Trump Is Also Used In PA, GA, NV, MI,WI,AZ,MN

ANOTHER Mysterious “Glitch” Corrected: Leads To Michigan Republican Winning Race!

Rod Blagojevich:  Democrats have been stealing votes for years

Democrat Voter Fraud Ring EXPOSED; Caught Rigging Elections in Texas

Watch:  Suitcase And Coolers Rolled Into Detroit Voting Center at 4 AM, Brought Into Secure Counting Area 

Project Veritas uncovers ‘ballot harvesting fraud’ in Minnesota: Devine

Michigan, Wisconsin Elections Officials Refuse to Explain Sudden Biden Vote Influx

Viral Video Alleged Gov. Whitmer Sent Health Officials to Bar Poll Challengers in Detroit

Analysis Reveals Milwaukee Presidential Election Voting Irregularities

Dead People Caught Voting In NYC, Election Records Show

August:  "Dead People" Have Already Started Voting By Mail

Public Interest Legal Foundation Identifies 349,773 Dead People on Voter Rolls Nationwide

On Wednesday, November 4th, Joe Biden held a press conference and declared, “Every vote must be counted. No one is going to take our democracy away from us. Not now, not ever.”  The same day, Al Gore said "every vote must be counted in this election."  Sounds like the Democrat talking point and one that deserves greater clarification.  Should we be counting those that are from illegals, erred, unregistered voters, and those deceased?  It seems to be a subconscious tell about what's going on.  Why accept ballots after the election night unless you wanted a chance to change the outcome?  Why shut down polls for the night, allowing a discrete opportunity to bring in fixed ballots?  Why were there so many ballots in this drop that simply voted for Joe Biden and no one else on the ticket?  Voters surely would have voted for their local representatives, but we are to believe they didn't.  Likewise, 100% of them voted for Biden, that's all the proof you need to know that fixing the election was planned.  And by some magnificent coincidence, they have just enough to take the lead at the very end by just enough votes.  Yes, invest in handcuffs because this may get very ugly.

The truth must be found and people locked up for a long time. Additionally, they should be banned from voting forever.  From here forward every election at every level much be closely monitored and validated.  God knows how many elections have been swayed by fraud at every level.


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