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The Path Forward For Conservatives

The prolonged election in 2020 and the premature announcement of Joe Biden as president was the ultimate sucker punch to conservatives.  The champion of the people, the US Constitution, and conservative values had been defeated.  

While President Trump took the punches over the last four years most conservatives remained silent.  Now conservativism is under endless attack and our country at its precipice.  Conservatives can remain silent no more.  They must stand up even when their jobs are threatened, blacklisting is possible, and assault likely.  We cannot remain silent or all of this is inevitable.  It's inevitable when the most radical party (Democrats) of all time controls the Presidency, the House, media, labor and teacher unions, and big tech.  We currently are holding the Senate, albeit by very little, but we can't count on the phony RINO's like Mitt Romney to uphold our values.  Along with the deep swamp in Federal Agencies, George Soros, and Bill Gates, they control the message and the means.

Let's not forget that Joe Biden ran the weakest campaign in U.S. history but it didn't matter.  The deep swamp, big tech, and media carried his weak frame and weaker moral faculties to the end.  They kept him from answering any real questions while promoting him as a savior of our country.  Remember his campaign slogans: "Battle for the Soul of the Nation," "Our Best Days Still Lie Ahead," "No Malarkey," "Build Back Better," and "Unite for a Better America."  Fancy slogans, but nothing more.  His promises contrasts with his slogans.

The soul of the nation is not based in socialism or communist policies.  Given the evidence of Biden's pay-to-play actions to increase his own wealth, we cannot look to him for any acts based on integrity.  He is the swamp.  Biden's promise to end fracking, pack the court, higher taxes for those making over $400,000, universal health care, eliminating Trump tax cuts, and the Green New Deal are socialist policies.  The end of fracking is not capitalist in nature if you are going to mandate it's elimination.  Packing the court to rule without opposition is meant to consolidate power within the Democrat Party.  Higher taxes for all means less room for innovation and investment that leads to job growth, while expanding the ability of government to grow and impose more socialist programs.  Universal Health Care is nothing more than greater government control and inefficiency.  The Green New Deal is nothing more than the government mandate and subsidy of ideological programs, while killing fossil fuels.  Every one of these policies is anti-capitalist, will destroy jobs, increases costs to every household, and consolidates power to the Democrats.

Joe argues he is going to save the soul of the nation, yet supports abortion.  Great Catholic.  Likewise, it was the Democrats that moved to eliminate God from its platform.  Ultimately, they stayed with it but arguably for political purposes only.  The lengthy argument showed that God isn't a key part of their ideals, but rather an irrelevant one.  "One Nation Under God" would be changed to "One Nation Under Democrats."  The soul of this nation does not rest in the government but rather in those rights endowed to us by our creator.

Joe Biden's policies are geared towards greater government control, including tendencies towards a one world power.  The latter is shown by his eagerness to rejoin the WHO, renew the Iran Deal, make amends with China, and rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement.  These actions puts the power strictly in the hands of the elite class while taking them from the voters.

While elevating themselves above account, they have shown they will support censorship, blacklisting, and violence against those with opposing voices.  If they will engage in these Marxist tactics with limited party control, what will they do when they hold the last means of opposition?  Their end goal couldn't be clearer, so what is everyone waiting for?  Stand up and stand out.

Marvin Pirila is a conservative blogger for


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