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Don't Trust A Democrat Or Their Operatives When They Claim They Aren't Socialists

The last four years has shown the tactics the Democrats will use to subvert the American voter.  They want to rule the country but first need to seize power.  Luckily for them, the schools and colleges have indoctrinated many into believing their lies about socialism.  The entitlement programs of the 70's incrementally brought many into the fold of socialism.  They are 'entitled' to things for free, stealing the fruits of another man's labor - that is socialism.  You fools are the greatest threat to the American Dream and the American way of life.

You would think after the last four years of the Russian collusion hoax, the Democrats would have learned to let go.  Nope, not for one single day.  To rig the 2020 election they enlisted a lot of help from the media and big tech in order to  suppress the vote.  Using Co-Vid as a front, they pushed absentee balloting to record levels.  They got the election date vote postponed for up to eight days.  What happened to them having to be in by the time the polls close and for what purpose was this allowed?  The country remained on edge so the Democrats could do what?  The suspicious ballot drops in Wisconsin and Michigan just as it appeared President Trump was going to win might provide the reason.

The main stream media (MSM) reported on the Russian collusion, always as factual.  When it was dismissed, little was said.  This gave low information voters a distorted impression and prejudiced the election.  Unfortunately, many hear the initial charges repeatedly and take it as fact.  They parade so called "experts" like James Comey and James Clapper as professional witnesses.  The same people behind the false claims and narrative are elevated to star status to serve the MSM agenda.  Eventually the facts come out and they fade from view, their usefulness now gone. The low information voter just follows the original story as if still true.

The Russian collusion hoax was fictional from the start and a carefully constructed narrative followed.  With all of the high level people in play, who would question them and moreover, who would dare touch them?  Imagine the arrogance of the group of Hillary Clinton, President Obama, Vice President Biden, James Clapper, James Comey, Lisa Page, and Peter Strzok in one room while they plotted treason against their country.  They have yet to be charged, while any normal citizen would have been rotting in a jail cell a long time ago.

The dominance of MSM (CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, New York Times, Washington Times, etc.) and big tech (FaceBook, Twitter, Google) allows them to present a narrative any way they like without challenge.  They eliminate opposing positions by censoring their voices.  While censoring pro-Trump news, they blanket their networks and platforms with anti-Trump stories to influence their audience accordingly.  This is voter suppression and yet the average voter doesn't recognize it or care.

The MSM and big tech is akin to the state run media of China or Russia.  They simply answer to the Democratic Party, itself loaded with socialists and marxists.  It's hard to see a path back to the United States we once were after watching the Democrats and their operatives subvert the authority of duly elected president via a story of collusion they created from thin air.  For four long years, the Democrat project was to get rid of President Trump.  After more than $48 million wasted by the Democrat puppet Robert Mueller, nothing was found.  NOTHING.  Then to prevent their own investigation from being investigated more than a dozen of Mueller's team wiped their cell phones of information.  After this public travesty, the Democrats stood behind immunity and Bobby Mueller's team obstructed justice.

I will never understand the logic of people voting for Democrats that purposely deceive and lie to them, wasting vast amounts of people's tax money in the process.  In all that they stand for (big government, socialism, guaranteed incomes for all, reparations, higher taxes, tax funded abortions, universal health care, anti-God, etc.) I can't find one good thing they stand for.  Every agenda item is antithetical to our Constitution and inalienable rights.  Every vote for them is a vote against freedom.

After their incessant incivility, they try to project the same on Republicans.  Don't expect civility from a party hell bent on destroying America as we know it, so they can garnish the ultimate authority over us.  More than 50% of American voters actually voted for socialism with Biden and Harris.  Don't think the Democrats are taking you with them to the top.  You will be working a serf with the rest of us.  Glenn Beck was right, we wouldn't know the country we grew up in within a short time, and that time has come.  Fools!


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