The Robert Mueller Investigation
John McCain Letter To Russia For Political Donation
Benghazi Emails
-9/13/12, 7:29 PM: Email from Nora F Toiv to: Cheryl D Mills; subject: American Killed in Libya Was on Intel Mission to Track Weapons 17229O37
Bitly: htto://; American Killed in Libya Was on Intel Mission to Track Weapons Before Death, Ex-SEAL Glen Doherty Told ABC News He Helped Round Up Dangerous Shoulder-Fired Rockets
-1/13/12, 2:02 PM: Email from Cheryl Mills, Cheryl; Subject: Wash Post: Hillary Clinton tries to calm anti-U S sentiment as protesters storm embassy in Yemen -- blames internet video
- 1/12/12: Email from Sidney Blumenthal to Hillary Clinton: Subject: Magariaf and the attack on US in Libya
-1/12/12: 11:26 P.M. : Email from Hillary to J. Sullivan on Benghazi attack
-1/13/12: 12:29 A.M. : Sidney Blumenthal email to Hillary on Libyan President claims -- and theories on who was behind Benghazi attack
-3/27/11: 12:23: Email from Timmy Davis to Huma Abedin, Jacob Sullivan, and Joseph Macmanus -- subject: Chris Stevens mission
-3/27/11, 9:05 PM: Email to Hillary on possible Libyan collapse. Discusses countries actively involved in training rebels
-1/13/11: 9:39 PM: Anne-Marie Slaughter email to Hillary, Cheryl Mills, Abedin: Subject: Arming the rebels. They NYT article clearly stated, " the time arms and intelligence could take effect, it is quite likely that Colonel Qaddafi will have retaken or at least besieged .Benghazi, the opposition stronghold."
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