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Stop The Obama Administration And Its Supporters Now!

Broken promises, blatant lies, and a fast approach to Socialism is under way by President Obama and his supporters. We must stop them and their continued reckless, planned stimulus spending that is designed to bring this country to its knees. 

President Obama is doing the work of George Soros, ACORN, and other organizations that disagree with American's right to freedom, individual rights, and innovation. This group believes the Government should decide what is best for us. They fail to uphold our Constitution, force poor legislation down our throats, and continue to throw away our nations future, our future, and future generations. They wouldn't run their own household this way, but want the right to decide what's best for us. We need a strong conservative with true moral and fiscal responsibility beliefs, such as Michelle Bachmann or Governor Perry, to correct the horrendous, evil intentions of this administration and his worshipping cronies. He is not God, albeit he has many people, including our representatives, treating him like he is. He is killing our country by design. Many of us are sickened by this blind allegiance to the VERY WORST president this country has ever had or ever will have. He doesn't surround himself with able-bodied people, but mere sheep, who simply follow his destructive policies. Where are our representatives who demand one method of determining inflation and unemployment figures. The Administration always distorts these numbers to deceive the American people, with their biased media channels.

What happened to Democracy? If there was a true democracy why aren't there more Democrats and Republicans breaking from their ranks? They work right along party lines and we are supposed to believe they have exactly the same principles and beliefs. Ludicrous.

This country needs to find its roots and its belief in a moral, just system as outlined by God. Not all of the founding fathers believed in God, but they believed His principles were critical in its laws and decision-making. Now lobbyists, peer pressure, and selfish interest are the rule. They tell their constituents what they want to hear during the election process, then ignore them until the next cycle. Mr. Obama stands on both sides of the issues, lies and promises, to get votes -- and mysteriously has persuaded the naive' public to vote him in once. Electing Obama was and will remain the BIGGEST AMERICAN MISTAKE for all time.

I have asked different Obama supporters to name one good thing he has done as President and they have been speechless. Ask the people who didn't support him and they can go on for a very long time about his numerous mistakes in judgment. I guess the golf course, public paid vacations, and numerous assistants to Michelle Obama is more important than serving the interests of the once greatest country in the world. While our soldiers have and continue to shed blood across the world for freedom, our legislators and president sit in their comfortable chairs stealing ours.

Government spending has always failed to stimulate and sustain an economy, but this administation and its blind followers continue to destroy our economy. Government spending extends a recession, not shorten it. Ninety plus years of examples, such as our Great Depression, Canada, and Japan, show that it doesn't work. Cut the pork and show some fiscal responsibility.

The government should never have bailed out banks or the car industry. Let capitalism work. These could have gone through bankruptcy and reorganization to regain their footing. Bad industries will be snapped up by stronger, more effective ones. The government effectively salvaged the worst. The results show it didn't work. Foreclosures continue to run wild with re-foreclosure at 40%. The cash for clunkers stimulated nothing -- all it did was encourage buyers that would have bought anyway to buy quicker.

Watching this administration and its supporters work is similar to a Cartoon Network in action.

They have failed this country and left a disaster that will linger for at least a decade. This is clearly the darkest, most sinister administration in the history of the United States.


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