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Keystone Pipeline - The facts revealed by a Canadian Source

Everyone standing in the way of the Keystone Pipeline and supporting the Marxist/Socialist ideologies of President Obama (O'Blama everyone else) needs to leave office and find work in another country because you are simply anti-American, anti-capitalism, and anti-jobs. Sitting on your butts while we personally fund our enemies/dictatorships/ and terrorism is unconscionable!

The Tea Party/Libertarians/Independents and believers of the U.S. Constitution and its religious principles (yes religion - particularly Christianity) will not have another four years of the debauchary and destruction of everything our Founders sacrificed everything for. What have you given to your country other than rhetoric, redistribution of wealth (Abomination Care), unemployment, green energy disasters (redistribution), corporate bailouts (redistribution and donations payback), Soros (Master Puppeteer), Black Panther abuse at the voting booth, Fast and Furious, lies, deception, universal show of weakness (bowing and apologizing to ruthless dictators and enemies of our country), abuse of Executive Priviledge (Obama overriding Congress at will), and the class warfare created by Pelosi and Obama (and some of you).

This president would be impeached if he weren't black. Yes I said it, he would be impeached if he wasn't black. I'm not a rascist but just pointing out what everyone seems ashamed to admit. This country needs a person or persons strong enough to stand up to this incredibly disastrous president and his anti-American agenda. This country will need God's help to recover from the mess Obama put us in. A leader is out front, not leading from behind, and not out golfing when things need attending. A leader spurs the nation to rise, not overburden them with double-talk and endless regulation. This guy would throw any one of you under the bus, that is if any of you are left to throw under. For the life of me, I cannot understand why the Democrats wouldn't run someone else from their party because this guy will have destroyed the message of the Democratic party for decades to come. History will clearly show him as the most dangerous president to American exceptionalism, democracy, and the inalienable rights of people around the world. The U.S. looked for a leader and got the laziest, most bumbling, sheep of the Marxists.

A country founded on religious principles now has a president in Obama who promotes abortion, the removal of religion from the public, encourages upheavel, and stands by while the United Nations sits idly by as people are slaughtered in the Middle East, the same U.N. that has Libya, China, and Russia on its human rights council.

Obama killed drilling because of an oil spill offshore and let it become a disaster by refusing help from other countries. Then he blamed the oil companies and used that as an opportunity to stop drilling. This spill would have been quickly contained if the well was onshore to begin with, but God forbid, we can't allow that. Just like we can allow the Canadians (our great ally and neighbor) pump oil via the Keystone Pipeline into the U.S.

This President and his kronies (non-tax paying cabinet members, Pelosi, Reid, etc.) are going to comprise the ugliest chapter in American History ever. It would properly be titled as the "Dismantling of America." We've promoted a community organizer with no executive experience, marxist beliefs, unknown religion, questionable influences, and a horrible attendance record as a junior legislator to become our president. Shame on all Americans who voted for him regardless of party affiliation - you simply didn't do your homework and take into consideration the danger he posed to all of us. If we re-elect him, we our essentially throwing our arms up in the air and telling the world that "America is Dead."

I personally am sick of canned messages and deaf ears from my legislators and would like to know what you are going to do about it. I only have faith in our Tea Partiers and persons of strong faith. Among our true representatives I count Michelle Bachmann, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Rick Perry, Paul Ryan, and a few others. You wonder why your approval ratings stink, where are you standing on moral issues, the constitution, deregulation, energy independence, small government, and lifting the bottom up without pulling the top down (it doesn't work), living within a budget, that government spending NEVER fixes or helps an economy, just prolongs the recession.

Obama sold a message of hope to the desperate, ill-informed, and the entitlement sector the first time around. What will he sell now except hollow promises, media sold rhetoric (bought and paid for by the Administration), and that everything is the fault of George Bush, the lazy American, and the tooth fairy? A leader does not blame everyone else, especially after three years, but takes ownership of the problem. If the teleprompter was a lie detector it would simply go crazy and break in minutes.

One term was too many, two completely unacceptable.

Video: Canadian Talk Show Host Destroys Obama Over Keystone Decision


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