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The ACLU needs to learn it place

ACLU Sues to Remove 10 Commandments Display From NM Courthouse Lawn

If you are like me you are sick of the ACLU trying to abolish Christianity from our Christian based country.  It's simple treason to take action against your own country.  Any act trying to remove Christianity and its principles from our schools, public buildings, and everywhere else is simply anti-American.  If you don't like the foundation upon which our country is built, get a passport and leave, for good.  You are the voice of those that would choose tyranny over choice, atheism over faith, and evil over good.  The founding fathers of this country created our constitution upon Christian principles and faith in God.  If you don't believe in it, you are living in the wrong country.  Find a country that supports your ideology rather than trying to change the one that has been the most successful, innovative, and productive in the world, ever.  The principles of Christianity are the moral and ethical standards by which the individual is guaranteed their personal liberties and freedoms.  The efforts of the ACLU to incrementally remove Christianity from the lives of America is a movement towards changing our country altogether.  The ACLU is nothing more than an enemy of the United States and everything good that it stands for, particularly FREEDOM.  ACLU - Disband or leave, no one wants you.


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