ACORN that is continually in trouble for voter fraud also pushed the sub prime mortgage crisis that has destabilized our economy. Disturbingly, Barack Obama promised ACORN that it was going to shape our national agenda. ACORN was started in the 1970’s by Radicals George Wiley & Wade Rathke, with input from sociologists, Richard A. Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, started ACORN in the 1970's. All of them are neo-Marxist ideologists. Barack Obama's Start In ACORN ACORN is made up of several legally distinct parts including local non-profits, a national lobbying organization, and the ACORN Housing Corporation. ACORN is partisan and always aligned with the Democratic Party on policy. Obama began to work for ACORN via Project Vote in 1992 and as a trainer for the "power" seminars. ACORNs "People’s Platform Preamble" includes " We are an uncommon people. We are the majority, forged from all minorities. We are the masses of many, not the...
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