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Individual Rights Lost

Americans continue to stand by while their rights are being stripped a little at a time. Fathers can't get custody, ex parte orders mean you're guilty until proven innocent, and criminal public officials trespass under the guise of "sovereign immunity."

California takes it yet another step.

The government now tells us how we should build our homes down to the screw, how our sex at birth determines whether we should get custody in adulthood, that we can't carry a cell phone without an expectation of privacy, and that public officials can do anything they want.

Most Americans sit idly by while their individual rights have been slowly taken from them over the last 30 years and more. The individual rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution are now mostly history, taken from us incrementally. In fact, the slow process by which these freedoms were stripped from the American people went largely unnoticed. It is only when they encounter the injustice of our legal system that they begin to understand. Those that have encountered it are discouraged and angered by the system. Our forefathers envisioned more and promised more.

There's hope now that the Tea Party has emerged. We must elect individuals who believe in our original constitution, the bible, and not some watered down version of laws that place all power in the government.

"All evil needs is for good men to do nothing." The Bible. "Hate what is evil; cling to what is good." Romans 12:9


  1. Sovereign immunity in Minnesota was ousted by legislation in 1976 yet is still utilized under claims of "official immunity," "statutory immunity," and "vicarious immunity." Even though case law is limited in regards to immunity, immunity is lost if the official fails to perform ministerial and day-to-day (operational level) duties. It also fails in cases of bad faith and malice. If you are wronged, you have a civil duty (in the name of justice) to pursue your claim. All evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing. Are you doing nothing?

  2. See how the government is "legally" tracking individuals....


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