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Showing posts from October, 2012

Obama Has A Record And It SUCKS!

Since Obama took office things have got incredibly worse:  A comparison of October 25, 2008 and October 25, 2012 makes it very clear. US Public Debt Subject to Limit rose from $9,000,000,000,000 to $16,030,671,412,941, a  78% increase.    Obama's administration is causing this to balloon through huge deficit spending. US National Debt  rose from $10,433,366,689,774 to $16,205,467,176,477, a 55% increase . US Federal Spending   rose from $2,936,982,146,347 to $3,551,242,146,184,  a  21% increase . US Federal Budget Deficit  rose from $405,010,552,617 to $1,127,473,808,670,  a  178% increase over revenue. US Federal Tax Revenue  dropped from $2,531,971,593,314 to $2,423,768,372,454, a  4% reduction . US Debt Held by Foreign Countries  rose from $3,438,115,400,099 to  $5,585,703,211,717, a  62% increase .  US Total ...

MN Government Data Practices Act - Responsibility

Deprivation of Individual Rights - The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act On April 19, 2000, the 81st legislature made one of the worst pieces of legislation ever, allowing townships and municipalities outside of the metropolitan area to withhold information from the public.  This led to concealment of information and was a huge blow to transparency.  This was simply government allowing other other government agencies to operate under the radar. The Minnesota Senate -- H.F. No. 3501 (Data Practices Act)  was read the third time, as amended, and placed on its final passage. The question was taken on the passage of the bill, as amended. The roll was called, and there were yeas 61 and nays 0 , as follows [Not a single vote for citizens]:  Those who voted in the affirmative were: Anderson                            ...

Can A Police Officer Enter A Home Without A Warrant?

Here's a relevant article on trespassing that law officials, particularly Judge Dale Wolf and Thomas Pertler, county attorney need to read and start enforcing .   If a police officer must have a warrant to enter anothers premises, why is Carlton County allowing building inspectors (John Gulland) and fire chiefs (Jeffrey Juntunen) to illegally enter privately owned property?  Whatever twist of the law Carlton County places on trespassing enforcement, absolutely nothing warrants the unknown entering of private property as evidenced in Thomson Township. By Alyssa Menard , eHow Contributor, last updated March 05, 2012 Can a Police Officer Enter a Home Without a Warrant? If law enforcement officer suspects criminal activity or contraband at a particular location and can prove "probable cause," a judge can issue a search warrant. A search warrant is a court order that allows the police to search a specified location for specific objects for a duration of time. Unreasonab...