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Entitlements Now Deciding Elections (2012)

Buying an election on taxpayer backs...the Democrat process of giving free things away rather than asking them to work for it,.

As I watch the election unfold for president of the United States I am disturbed by what I see truly occurring.  Michigan goes to Obama - why?  One could say the billions that taxpayers footed for the car industry that Obama took credit for.  The Northeast swung on emotions in favor of Obama because of Hurricane Sandy - leaving logic and reason behind them.  Why?  Hope of endless government help. Romney would provide the same help but coordinate efforts better and wouldn't have needed, after four years, to borrow money from China to pay for it.  Romney would have made it more than a photo shoot.

During the oil spill, where the hell was Obama?  He was letting things get worse so he could further his agenda.  He turned away help from other countries that would have helped contain the situation much faster.  Does everyone have such short memories they forget how he really handles catastrophes?  Look at the tornado disaster in Joplin, Missouri, that he ignored and denied FEMA assistance too.  If there wasn't an impending election Obama wouldn't even have shown for the short photo-shoot.  Obama would have been golfing or hanging with an ignorant celebrity.  And what about Benghazi?  Endless lies, cover ups, and blame is all we ever got.  If Obama gets re-elected he'll do what he did to the Fast and Furious Scandal and the Black Panther voter intimidation scandal, and simply kill them.  Transparency in Obama's eyes means smoke and mirrors, lies and deception, manipulation and endless rhetoric.  [Now proven with his involvement in the attempted take-down of a duly elected president - Trump.]

This country is in big, big trouble, because almost 50% of this country wants handouts, instead of working for their own.  We will become the largest Greece protege' anywhere.  We will cease to be a world power, cease to be a democracy, and cease to have any voice of true, working, honest Americans.  The freedom earned by our service women and men will have been squandered for the hope of redistribution and handouts.  We will take from the rich and give to the poor, then take from those left with more than others and give that to the bottom until everyone is equal, destitute, poor, and without hope.  Meanwhile, Obama and his cronies will be the elitists determining what rations we get while he lives high with buddy George Soros, William Ayers, and Warren Buffett.

Obama played a pivotal role as ACORNs lawyer in bring the subprime crisis he is famous for blaming Bush for.  Hell, what doesn't he blame Bush for?  He's a leader from behind.  Says it all, doesn't it.  Apparently not, because a large part of the population likes to hear his rhetoric and save his catch phrases for arguments against logic and reason.  "Things are getting better, we have created 4 million jobs."  Really, and I have swamp land that's going to simply rise into mountains of gold.  If you've ever quoted one of Obama's ridiculous lies, you are an idiot.

If you think Obama is suddenly going to make things better, look no farther than the last four years...and look beyond his lying speech secretaries and look at the facts.  This guy has done nothing his whole life that benefitted Americans  --- NOTHING.  Take a look in the mirror because you are the sucker that everyone used to always joke about.

Where will the handouts come from once we can't borrow anymore money or print anymore because we've killed every tree printing money?  Quit worshipping Obama and start reading some real facts.  Then and only then will you see what a buffoon you really are and how you sacrificed a great country for some idealistic fantasy world where money comes from the sky, we don't have to work, and everyone is happy, happy, happy.

If you think things are bad now, just wait until Obama doesn't have to worry about a reelection.  Businesses are closing down and moving overseas.  Gas prices are going to go through the roof because Obama has killed all oil leases to federal lands, is anti-oil, and anti-Keystone.  We are simply doomed and everyone of you that voted for Obama, if elected, have accepted responsibility for America's official end as a great country.

Excuse me now, I see Obama is leading in the electoral vote, so I need to throw up, then slash my wrists.


  1. Politics of Empathy Lifted Obama Over story at

    Dobson: Where have GOP values gone? Read the story at


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