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God's Blessing

God formed an irrevocable covenant with Israel, promising always to protect them from annihilation.  Despite many enemies and attacks by its neighbors, Israel has always fought back and won.  God will not let them lose.

The U.S. has been a staunch ally of Israel's and of the Jewish people.  If it weren't for the U.S. many more Jews would have been killed by Hitler's Germany.  The U.S. has also welcomed and integrated Jews into its culture, offering the same opportunities and freedoms as anyone else.

There are more Christians in the U.S. than any other country in the world.  About 72% of Americans are professed Christians.  The rapture, as prophesized, will seriously weaken the U.S. and leave them weaker than ever before.  As a result, they will not be a major player in end times and for that reason are not mentioned in the bible.

Yes, it's hard to believe, but the world's lone superpower will be just another country militarily and economically in end times.  Sadly, some experts suggest that the United States will join the European bloc when Israel is attacked by the world.  The United Nations is designed and operated to destroy true republican democracies such as the United States.

The U.S. gained favor with God through its ongoing support of Israel and His people.  His blessings allowed the U.S. to become the "World Superpower: and advocate of freedom around the globe.

Unfortunately, the continued blessing of the U.S. is at serious risk.  We are now a country allowing abortions, gay marriages/civil unions, pornography, etc.  Divorce rates are extraordinarily high, more people are having children out of wedlock, and more are cohabitating without being married.  We have become more and more removed from God's rule as we pursue our own.

The position of the U.S., under the current administration, in dealing with Hamas is misplaced.  Hamas is a known terrorist group dedicated to spreading worldwide jihad and to the destruction of Israel.  This group is responsible for firing rockets everyday on Israel as it preaches hate and violence.  So, what is the U.S. doing by contributing $1 billion in aid to them?


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